[Special Jasper Chapter]

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Jasper sat alone. As he had been since he left Forks. He sat in a small cabin the Cullens owned. Inside was simple, it only had two rooms. A lounge area and a bedroom. Jasper currently sat on the hard floor. Desperately trying to feel anything. Since he had left Forks he felt numb. No emotion strong enough to rise to the surface.

Alice kept in contact with him. Everyone else tried but she was the only one he replied to. She missed him but understood why he didn't want to be with the rest of them in Alaska. She knew he just needed some time in his home state; Texas.

All day Jasper sat there. All he could think about was Millie. He couldn't keep putting her in danger but he loved her and missed her. He let out a frustrated growl and hit his head. This had become a daily occurrence for Jasper.

He composed an email to Alice;

I need to know. Is she okay? Does she think of me or has she moved on?

Jaspers fingers tensed as he wrote. Not wanting it to be right.

Does she need me as much as I crave her? He continued writing, I cannot do much without her. I feel as though a part of me will always be gone no matter how hard I try to fill it. She was the one Alice. I messed it all up


He sent the email and started at the screen until Alice would reply.


It was a day later when Alice replied. Jasper opened the email as fast as the old computer would let him.


I hate to hear how you're suffering. I have been keeping a close eye on Millie but sometimes it becomes blank.
As far as I can tell, you're always at the back of her mind. She is always wondering wether she should just go find you. She hasn't moved on from you in the slightest. She can't.

She needs you during the night, Jas. She hasn't slept properly since you left. Bella shut her out so she's been forced to make some new friends. I can't see them though.

Alice. (Stay safe for her)

Jasper was relived at the email. Everything was actually okay, although the blanks in Alices visions concerned him he thought nothing of it. She would eventually get over him, she's a fighter.

The real question was; would Jasper ever get over her?


Just a quick special chapter showing Jasper.

Hope you guys are enjoying! Some stuff is gonna go down pretty soon so stay tuned for that

Thanks lovelies xxx

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