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Millie sits on her bed, unwrapping the bandage Carlisle put on. She looks at the stitches and thanks her fast healing genes. It'll be a small scar in a day. She hums to herself, trying to think of anything but how weird Jasper was acting. She didn't want to dwell on it.

"Millie?" Anne knocks on her door and Millie quickly covers up her arm.

"Come in." Anne walks in holding a small box. Millie gives her a confused look. "What's that?"

Anne hands it to her, "Jasper just dropped it off. He said it's your birthday present." Anne looks confused. "I offered for him to come in but he didn't want to 'disturb' you." She shrugs. "You've got a odd boyfriend. This is why I like women." She laughs with Millie before she leaves.

Millie opens the box and smiles, it's a locket. It looks old and worn. Millie opens it and inside is an old picture of Jasper in his army outfit. Millie puts it on straight away. She feels closer to him already.


"Hey, Bells." Millie gets out of her car and walks up to Bella. She looks worried. "You okay?"

Bella nods, "Edward isn't here yet." She looks around. "None of the Cullens are."

Millie looks up at the weather and as usual there's no sun. Millie shrugs, "maybe they're all hunting?"

Bella nods, obviously not convinced but satisfied for now.


Lunch time rolls around and Bella's paranoia is starting to rub off on Millie. Millie glances at the Cullen table for the umpteenth time and feels a pang of sadness. Bella and her share some worried glances but don't talk about it.

Millie calls Jasper during her free period but it goes straight to message bank. "Hey Jas, just wondering where you are. Hope you're okay, love you." She hangs up, opening the locket, she looks at Jaspers picture and holds it tight. Taking deep breaths. "I will see him later." She repeats to herself.


Millie pulls into the drive way and sees a familiar figure. "Jasper!" She gets out of the car and lightly jogs towards him. As she gets closer she notices his expression, it's unreadable. He doesn't look happy to see her. "Where have you been?"

"Let's talk." He ignores her question and takes a seat on the porch stairs and pats the space next to him. He doesn't meet her eyes. She takes a cautious seat next to him. "We're leaving Forks."

Millie gapes at him. Eyes blinking rapidly. "What? Why?"

"Carlisle should be ten years older. People are going to start noticing." He never meets her eyes when he speaks.



Millie tries to process, "I can't just leave Anne and Sarah."

Jasper shakes his head. "Not you. Us."

"What?" Millie feels the tears well up in her eyes. She blinks them back. "That thing that happened the other night wasn't a big deal, Jas."

He finally looks up at her. "Worse things could happen if I stay around you." He shakes his head. "I never should have let you into this world."

"Let me?!" Millie stands up. "As if you had a choice. Jasper, I belong in your world. Right by your side."

Jasper stands up, going toe to toe. "No you don't." He seethes every word.

"You can't leave!"

"I am!" He yells. "I don't need you." Millie feels as if she's been slapped. Her eyes tear up and she wipes them, embarrassed. "I don't feel the same way anymore." He mumbles.

Millie looks up at him through teary vision. "Don't let me go, Jasper. Please don't do this to me." He doesn't reply. Millie feels the sobs raking through her chest. Her face feels hot and she swipes at her tears. "Fine. Leave." She says quietly. He doesn't move, she looks up into his eye and screams, "Leave!"

Then he's gone. Millie falls to the ground and sobs echo around her. She feels the sadness filling her but mostly... She feels alone.


Sorry about the short chapter, hope it was emotional enough for y'all

I hope after this chapter I'll be more motivated as the story will actually be progressing.
Also sorry about the amount of time skips in here lmao

Thanks for reading lovelies xxx

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