1 : Down Came the Rain

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I breathe in the summer air and wish I could hold it there, in my lungs. Everywhere I look is green, blue skies and the golden sun. I take one last look at the waterfall, remembering how cool the water was against my skin, before I pull myself into Sylv's truck.

The engine spurs to life, its vibrations shaking off droplets of water from my hair. Sylv passes me my towel and my hands brush over his. Our eyes meet in a way that stops the whole world.

A beeping sound pulls me out of the moment. Another car drives up beside us and I roll down my window.

"See you at the party tonight?" Paige says, her golden blonde hair swaying in the wind.

Archer pokes his head out from the passenger seat beside her, "don't ditch us!" he whines.

"Of course," I say.

"Sure babe," Sylv says to Paige and I convince myself it's okay that they're together. Paige and Sylv. "Rose and I just gotta go to this dinner with our families. Then we'll meet you there," Sylv continues.

Paige and Archer drive off in front of us. We follow suit, our other friends in Avalon's car behind us.

That day we were inseparable. The seven of us. If we had taken Cliff's seven-seater, the accident wouldn't have happened. If Paige and Sylv drove together, like they should have, it wouldn't have happened. If I wasn't with Sylv, it wouldn't have happened.

In slow motion, I watched her car tumble down the mountain side. I saw my best friend crumble into nothing, burn into nothing, disappear into ashes.

Then it was a wave of sirens and smoke and crying. In that moment I knew things were never going to be the same. I was never innocent, but I imagine the last of my innocence was ripped away.

That was the end of my summer.


Hey!! Thankyou so much for giving my story a try!!

CAST - if you are interested in a visual of all the characters, click on to the last chapter called "CAST" and there's a list of the main characters and actors I imagine them as. If u don't want to see the cast, simply don't check that chapter!! It's at the end on purpose so people who don't like casts don't have their imaginations spoiled!!

If you like drama and romance - and a little mystery - I promise you won't be disapointed. I wrote this whole story in six months - which is the fastest I've ever written a whole book. I was just so inspired, and so in love with the characters. I hope you fall in love with them too.

And yes, there will be a love trianlge. ;)

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