31 : Reality

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I wake up lying on the street. Everything is blurry. Adrian is kneeling over me. He smells nice.

"Rose, Rose," someone calling for me in the distance. "Rose," the voice is closer and closer. It's Adrian.

"Yes?" I say as my eyes focus onto him in front of me. I shift, trying to sit up.

Adrian grabs my arms, holding me down. "Careful, careful." His eyes show something I can't place. Concern?

"Adrian, why are you treating me like a homeless puppy? Why am I on the floor, actually..."

"You fainted, just take it easy Godzilla." His typical snarky attitude returns. "Even in this state you see me as an enemy." He shakes his head.

I try standing up again to address his comment. Instead of holding me down, he leaves me be and stands up himself.

Once I've gotten to my feet, it feels as though a hammer is crashing into my skull. I clutch my head in my hands, stumbling forward into Adrian. "Argh," I grumble as the pain doubles.

He steadies me encircling his arms around me as I lean into him. All I can think about is the aching in my brain. I must have hit it when I fainted. After moments of standing like this, in his arms, I finally feel the pain subside enough to step away.

I fight the blush rising to my cheeks and the embarrassment toying with my thoughts. "Sorry," I mumble.

"Are you ok?" his attitude disappears again. "Did you have a panic attack?"

"No?" I shake my head. I guess it would make sense, after everything running through my brain with Sylv. I just know it's not anxiety. "I'm tired and dehydrated. That's all."

"You didn't eat today, did you?"

"No, I was busy... thinking."

"Rose, carrying everything on your own is not a burden you must carry. I'm... I'm worried about you." He says it as if he's surprised at himself.

"What would you have me do then?"

"Talk to me."

"Talk to you?"

"Did the weight not lift from your shoulders when we travelled together to Newhaven? Have I not proved you can rely on me? If you can't confide in your friends, you can confide in me." His face is dimly lit, but I notice his plea.

"What makes you think I don't tell my friends everything?"

"You've not told them about her diary because you don't trust them."

Another time he's read me like a book. "I do trust them."

"Not enough. But you can trust me – I'm uninvolved and unrelated to your dramas. I'm merely an observer. I hold no stake in this so what would I gain in betraying you? Why would I go out of my way to hurt you? I can't appeal to your emotions, but I can to your logic."

"I'm not as cold and feelingless as you portray me. You're full of insults today. Why's that?"

"So you feel for me?"

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I feel the heat return to my cheeks and the butterflies return to my stomach, like a candle being lit under me. I squirm.

"Tell me what worries you," he says again. He doesn't press any further and I'm grateful.

"Paige was... pregnant."

His features remain frozen, as if this doesn't surprise him.

"Sylv might have a motive to kill her?" my jaw clenches as a wave of emotion hits me and I suddenly feel the urge to cry.

Something clicks and realisation registers onto Adrian's face. "Ah, I see."

I feel as if he understands everything now – like my expression communicates more than I ever could say. I feel as though I've given it all away and for once I feel as though being vulnerable isn't a mistake.

Within a blink, Adrian has reached out again and wrapped his arms around me – not to steady me (even though I'm weak at the knees). My arms hang lifeless by my side. I feel totally intoxicated by his scent again, and the heat rushes to my cheeks but I try focussing on the comfort in the gesture and not overthinking things.

I'm stiff, so I try to relax into him but I can't. My shoulders are tight and bound. My heart beat is so fast I'm scared he can feel my blood pumping against him. Everything is just too much to handle. I hate thinking of Sylv like this. It absolutely crushes me.

A muffled sob escapes me. I hope that Adrian's shirt blocks the noise. I don't want him to hear. I push him off me, shaking my head as if it will erase all the pain. That's one thing I'm good at. Acting.

"It's late, I'm tired. Let's go home."


Oiy - i'm sorry for the short chapter but idk it just made sense to cut it there. i will update again quick for the  inconvenience. much sorry. much love.

if you've read up to here, thank you so much. please leave a comment to entertain me!!!

i love you guys <3

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