45 : My Knight in Shining Armour

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A million faces run rapidly through my mind.

"Honey, would you mind answering the door? I'm a little tied up here," Auntie says, looking down at the curling iron chords wrapped around her fingers.

Then I think that May and Avalon are here to pick me up because I don't have a date. Then I remember that May and I haven't spoken in a week since the cat fight. Then I feel even worse – no f*cking way on this Earth am I going to that formal alone – just to be ganged up on AGAIN. HELL TO THE NO.

I'm wearing my pj's – with a full face of makeup and curls. But sure, I'll open the door. Maybe it'll just be the mailman and he can cop a view of my bare legs.

I finally grow some balls and pull the door open.

My mouth opens so wide I think my jaw hit the floor.

It's Adrian. The breath from my lungs is stolen. He's... gorgeous.

He always dresses fancy – but I've never seen him in a suit before. A plain black suit with a white undershirt. He looks really charming. But why is he here?

"What the f*ck are you doing here?" I scream whisper, not wanting Auntie to overhear. I step outside and half close the door behind me. It's freezing.

"I'm taking you to formal, what does it look like?" he says, without a hint of sarcasm.

"Are you drunk again? Or just out of your mind?" I go to shoo him away, but I hear the door creak open behind me.

He smiles as Auntie Helen approaches us. "Adrian! So good to see you again, please come in."

I grit my teeth as my eyes bulge out of my head. What the hell is going on?

Then Adrian Iris is in my kitchen, making small talk with my auntie. Apparently she's known for a while that Adrian was going to take me – and he even organised a corsage with her to surprise me. How they both kept this a secret from me is astonishing. How did Adrian even know I didn't have a date?

Auntie shoos me off to go get dressed upstairs. Still overwhelmed with shock, I quickly and quietly get the scarlet dress on, my last jewellery pieces and fill my small purse with goodies that I might need.

Then I walk down the stairs slowly and try so hard not to trip that my eyes are glued to my toes. I look up and see Adrian starring at me. I instantly feel my cheeks go red – hopefully the makeup covers it.

"Wow," he breathes and I only just hear it.

Then I swear I see his cheeks flush red.

"Well, we'd hate to be delayed. Thanks again for having me, Helen," he says with a boyish smile I haven't seen before. Then I cringe at the fact he's on a first name basis with my auntie.

I get in his car and we head to the top of Mt Fallows – right at it's peak: Fallows Tavern.




As we pull up at the tavern, I see everyone else arriving in limo's with their friend groups. I wonder if my friends organised a limo.

Then I look to Adrian with anxiety. He looks... really, really good. Too good. Like a fairy tale prince charming.

"What the f*ck, Adrian," I say, exasperated. "I just don't get why you'd just show up at my house – like that."

"I couldn't let you go to the formal alone," he says, slowly driving through the drop off area.

"But how did you even know about that," I ask.

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