49 : Everyone is Suspicious

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"Call Tallon. Now," Sylv growls at me as the three of us make it to school's front carpark.

"What is with you two?!" Avalon exclaims. "You've been yelling at each other all day and it's ridiculous. We are supposed to be a team." Her afro bounces on her shoulders – her braids taken out after formal.

I purse my lips into a tight line. "You're right." I extend my pinkie to Sylv.

He shakes his head and walks off.

"I tried," I say to Avalon.

"Call Tallon," she nods.

I dial Tallon's number. He doesn't answer. I call again. "Tallon?"

"Miss Chosen – I'm in a meeting. Is it important?"

"We found a private investigator hired by the Ascott's to follow Paige. There's more – but it can wait."

"I'll meet you tomorrow at the school. Thankyou for contacting me." He hangs up.




I go to Shadow River Manor for my regular rendezvous with Adrian.

Instead of the library, we sit in the regular living room on the plush red couches – the ones we first sat on after he threw himself from Deadmen's Drop.

"So, I've been trying to track down both Daddy Wittle and Joseph – the son – to no avail. My mate in the FBI is working on it, but it could take some time."

"Oh," I say, annoyed that I won't have a distraction today. "I guess I'll go then-"

"Actually, I thought that, in the meantime, we could watch one of my movies."

I raise my eyebrows. "You want me to watch a movie with you?"

"Not just any movie. One of my movies. One I've written."

"Ok," I say, curiosity bubbling in my stomach.

Adrian walks into a small hallway, into another room. The room is completely dark and I almost trip on a fold in the carpet.

The light opens and the room still looks murky – then I realise it's a massive cinema room. All the furniture is black and the walls are black and high. There's two rows of black recliners.

"I know," Adrian says with a smirk, noticing my astonishment. "It makes me want to move in."

"Maybe you should. Buy the Manor – permanently." I don't know why I said that.

"Why's that, Rose?"

"Because..." I don't want to say that I hate the thought of him leaving. "Because I hate the thought of you leaving." And... I said it.

A sly smile spreads across his lips and he leans onto the wall. "Is it possible that the stone cold Rose Chosen, has actually grown fond of me?"

I roll my eyes. "It's just... refreshing having you here. If it weren't for you, I'd be completely consumed in Paige's world. Spending time with you is like being on a temporary holiday from all the sh*t in my life." I lean back on the wall beside him. "I'd be totally overwhelmed."

"Are you saying that what we've been doing is mundane? You seemed absolutely disgusted the first time I brought it up."

"Well – things changed."

He steps off the wall and stands in front of me. "What's changed?"

I suddenly feel too close to him. My heart beat spikes. "A lot has changed since we first met. Don't you feel it too?" I instantly regret my word choices.

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