26 : The Presly Hotel

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He always had two personalities. He had the teacher: smart, chic, clever and witty. He was handsome and charming – knew how to use his charisma. Everyone loved him. Everyone trusted them. I guess he was a bit like Hitler. Then there's his true self. Dark. Twisted. He liked to play with power. He liked to wear leather jackets and smoke and watch young girls dancing. He liked to toy with people and see how much of them he could destroy. He broke me.

But part of me is still attached to him. It's the part that told me to run to him when I was upset about Paige – Sylv. The part of me that still won't let the police get to him, even though he could have been criminal. The part of me that forgives him for lying to me and manipulating me and taking away my innocence.

He changed me - he made me into someone I wasn't. He saw that I was vulnerable. He saw my scars. And he took that and he moulded it into his own, submissive little doll. And I hate him for it. I hate him.

This is what I'm thinking as I sit on the sidewalk, waiting for a cab. Adrian stands in front of me, unsure how to address me after what he's witnessed.

So he knows I slept with my teacher. Great. Any other secrets I should get off my chest? Like the fact I got with my best friends boyfriend? He's going to judge my character so quickly – and so he should.

"I know what you must think of me," I sigh into the dark, empty street.

"And what's that?"

"You must think... I'm weak and... desperate."

He looks over at me, confusedly. "Rose, I think you underestimate yourself."

And with that, we finally find a cab.

"It's late," Adrian mutters as we get inside.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive a four-hour train ride," I groan, thinking about how drained I feel.

"Let's go to my place, then," Adrian turns to me, "It's getting late. We can take the early train tomorrow morning, if you don't feel up to it."

"I forgot you live here," I remember. "I don't think I'm ready to go home."

"Easy. 23 Finchbrook Lane – The Presley Hotel, thanks," he says to the taxi driver. 

The taxi ride is quiet. Adrian doesn't ask questions.

Ten minutes later and we are outside a much fancier apartment complex. "Wow, you live here?"

"Are you trying to say Shadow River Manor is shabby?"

"No, no... I just... forget how – uh," loaded you are.

"I'm not a small town kid, no."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Let me guess, top floor, two storeys, personal elevator," I giggle to myself. Oh my God, did I just giggle?

Adrian smirks as the taximan drops us off and we walk inside.

The lobby is gorgeous. I've never seen ceilings so high. Why is there a restaurant in the frickin' lobby! Is that normal! This is more like a hotel than an apartment building.

"So you live in a hotel?"

"I have permanent rooms in a few across the country. I do lots of travelling."

"So you don't have a real home?"

"I wouldn't say that..." he looks down for a moment and it pinches my heart. "I can set you up in your own room –"

"No, no- that's fine. I'll take the couch."

"Really its no big-"

"I don't want to be alone," I blurt out. F*ck, why am I so helpless.

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