54 : She Knew

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Adrian picks up the phone and answers. His expression changes dramatically – displaying shock again.

I feel my eyes widening as I observe him.

He looks me up and down, watching my reaction.

"What is it?!" I whisper scream.

He gestures for me to wait a second.

At this point I'm jumping in my skin. After what seems like an hour, he finally hangs up.

"What is it?!" I exclaim again, too loudly.

"Sh, sh." He stands up and steps towards me.

I instantly stop moving as he places both of his hands on my arms.

"I need you to calm down for a second, ok? You need to listen really carefully to what I'm about to say."

My heart drops and I find myself sinking to the floor. He hasn't even told me yet – but I'm scared.

He kneels down with me. "I think you've had a long day, I'll drop you home. You need to rest-"

"No – Adrian. Tell me right now."

"Rose, please-"

"Right f*cking now!" I grip his hands tightly and shake them.

"Max doesn't think your parents death was a coincidence. He thinks the Ascott's had them murdered."

I let out a quivering breath. "Why would he think that?"

There's too much to take in.

"The Wittle's were in some illegal business – some hidden group that funded and protected criminals, maybe even a mafia. Max thinks the Wittle girls murder had something to do with a rotten contract or deal gone sour. He knows that Joseph – or Joe as you know him – kept the business going and history repeated with your friend, Paige."

"But what does any of that have to do with my parents? Why were they paid?"

"You're parents were sent to Cedar Creek to investigate the Ascott's illegal activity. They were FBI agents."

My jaw gapes open. "FBI agents? Seriously?"

"The Ascott's caught onto them, bribed them to leave – but obviously your parents were still going to take their evidence back to the FBI, so the Ascott's had them murdered as they made their way down Mt. Fallows to the train station."

My heart beats violently in my chest. I want to kill the Ascotts. How dare they! "They killed my parents," I spit out, "they almost killed me."

"Rose, you need to calm down."

"I've sat in their living room – I've eaten their food. Their daughter was my best friend... and they killed my parents for doing their job?!" I scream.

Adrian tries holding me in place but I thrash away.

"This is f*cking insane." I feel tears brim my eyes.

He reaches forward, like he's about to hug me – but I know if he hugs me I will cry and I don't' want to cry in front of Adrian. There has to be one person who I don't cry in front of.

I push away from him and run out of the house without turning back.




At my Aunt and Unlces house, the only room with a bath is the spare bedroom's en suite. So I go to the spare room so I can encompass myself in something other than my anxiety.

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