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"You ready?" Dad asks from the driver's side of his SUV, carefully trying to read my expression as soon as he asks the question

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"You ready?" Dad asks from the driver's side of his SUV, carefully trying to read my expression as soon as he asks the question.

I like to believe that I'm pretty good at masking my emotions, so I know he won't be able to see the fear I'm feeling within on my exterior. I would never admit it out loud, but I'm nervous. I mean, why wouldn't I be? A new state, a new town, a new house, a new school, and new people. It's a lot to take in.

I study the school building my dad is parked in front of from out the window. It's not too big, just your average brick building and typical schoolyard. This town is pretty small, too, so I'm guessing that there isn't too big of a student body.

I force a smile as I turn to look at my dad. "Yeah," I lie in response to his question, grinning as brightly as I can muster. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Minutes later, Dad leads me into the school building. I keep my head down as I walk, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Dad takes me straight to the front office, smiling at me encouragingly as we go. I know how badly he wants this move to be the last; how badly he wants to make a life here in this town for good. I guess I know this because it's how I'm feeling, too. I don't want to keep moving around, waiting for home to choose us. I want to stay here, to choose this as home.

Maybe then I'll finally find peace.

"Hey, Elena," Dad says to the receptionist as we enter the office together, side by side. I study the receptionist, Elena, quizzically, wondering if we've met before. She's a brunette with sparkly dark eyes, and looks totally foreign to me, as most things in this town do.

"Elena and I went to school here together," Dad informs me with a smile, clearing up some of my former confusion. I guess that makes sense as to how the two evidently know each other.

Elena rolls her dark eyes. "I spent so many years waiting to get out of this place," Elena mumbles, gesturing around so I know she's talking about the school, "just so I could come back as soon as I left college." She then gives me a what are you gonna do about it look that—I can't help it—makes me smile.

"You must be Morgan," Elena says, smiling at my dad knowingly. "I've heard so much about you."

I shoot my dad a questioning glare, wondering when the two adults before me had the time to chat so much, and about me. Dad simply looks away, as if his gaze removing itself from mine is an answer to my unasked question.

"Here you go," Elena exclaims as she extends a piece of paper out to me. "That's your schedule. First bell starts in thirty minutes. If you need help finding anything, just drop in. I won't mind helping you." With that, Elena winks. "Trust me, I know this place like the back of my hand. I've been here so long now."

I can't stop the smile from spreading across my lips. "Thank you," I tell Elena as Dad leads me out of the office with a goodbye and a departing smile.

After we leave the office, Dad gives me a quick tour of the school, showing me to my classes to make sure I'll know where to go when we part ways. He ends the brief tour at the gym, minutes before the bell is due to ring.

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