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After school, I head out to the football field, as usual

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After school, I head out to the football field, as usual. I can't wait until I have my own car. Then I won't have to wait for my dad to finish coaching practice before I can go home. Though, I don't necessarily dislike watching the football practices entirely. It's nice to see my father doing something that makes him happy; nice to see his smile again.

If I really wanted to, I suppose I could always get a ride home from Lana or Lucas, but deep down I know that my dad wouldn't go for that. He would rather me wait for him to take me home, as that way he knows I am safe. In a way, I guess I would rather wait for him, too. It's nice spending time with him, growing closer after all that has tried to tear us apart.

I'm walking toward the field and minding my own business when, all of a sudden, Jack appears. He takes my side as we walk, as if I actually want him to join me.

"Can I help you?" I snap, wondering what he wants this time. I've come to know that with Jack, there is always a catch.

"Just walking," Jack answers casually, smiling at me faintly. "Why? Is there something I can help you with?" I don't like the suggestiveness to his tone, how cocky his smile has grown as he glances down at me, those light green eyes of his gleaming mischievously.

I roll my eyes, wondering how someone with a girlfriend can be so annoyingly flirty. "Thanks for the offer." I lift my gaze to his and glare at him as I add, "But no thanks."

"Are you always so mean to people?" Jack asks with a chuckle, raising his eyebrows as he glances down at me, that devilish gleam still shining in his irises. "Or is it just me?"

"You're not as special as you think you are, Crawford." Despite my words, I can't help but smile when he looks at me. I don't know what's wrong with me, but when I look into his light green eyes, I swear I've never seen anything prettier. Jack's eyes are such a light shade of green, so easy to get lost in, it's almost like I'm—

Snap out of it, Morgan! I chide myself, forcing my gaze away from Jack's, hoping he doesn't notice how furiously I'm blushing.

"So, you're just mean in general?" Jack questions with mock curiosity, furrowing his brows. "I don't think I believe that."

I bite back my grin, wondering why I haven't yelled at him to get lost yet. "You're right," I mutter, glancing up at Jack with a sickly-sweet smile as I finish, "It's just you."

Jack merely smirks back at me, unbothered. "I knew I was special."

"Right. Because normally I don't hate people as soon as I lay eyes on them. I guess that does make you a special case."

"Aw, you hate me, Scott? At least I know you think of me."

I roll my eyes at this, shoving Jack's arm in mock annoyance. Jack only laughs as he gazes down at me, my shove not moving him an inch. Jack's expression is teasing, letting me know that we're not done with this conversation yet. Great.

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