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"Are you okay?"

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"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Lana tells me for the fifth time since she regained consciousness, rolling her eyes as if I've asked a stupid question. The two of us are in the nurse's office, as I'm pretty sure that's where you go when one faints. Lana was so out of it, Jack had to carry her all the way here; which was very nice of him, but not the point right now.

"You fainted," I tell Lana, as if she doesn't already know this. "Are you that shocked about me and Jack?"

"We'll get to that in a minute." Lana waves her hand dismissively, eyes wide and eager as she questions, "Did Jack Crawford really carry me to the nurse's office?"

I purse my lips, trying to contain my laughter. Of course Lana would be focused on the fact that the Jack Crawford carried her in his arms, which I find hilarious. It's like I'm the only person around here that thinks of Jack as just another person, though I suppose I have to admit that he really is something.

"Yes," I confirm for Lana, rushing to add, "He carried you here because you fainted."

"We can talk about me fainting later." Lana once again shuts down the conversation of her health, her expression quickly morphing from shock to interest. "Right now, I want to talk about the fact that you're dating Jack Crawford!"

"I figured you were going to say something like that," I mumble under my breath, biting back a smile. "I feel like I need to add that I haven't been seeing Jack this whole time. Jack and I both liked each other, but the timing was never right. And then we both were free, and I guess I just didn't want to keep pretending that I wasn't into him."

"I didn't think you cheated on Lucas," Lana reassures me, tone gentle and eyes kind. "I know you, Morgan. You wouldn't do something like that. Besides, this is Jack Crawford we're talking about. He can wow the pants off of anyone." With that, Lana shoots me a suggestive look that instantly makes me blush.

"I'm not sleeping with Jack!" I hiss discreetly, glancing at the open nurse's door to make sure no one overheard me. "The most we've done is kiss! We only just got together!"

"So? I'm sure it's going to happen in the future."


"Sorry." Lana laughs to herself at my embarrassment, as I can feel my cheeks flushing. Shaking her head, Lana says, "I can't believe Jack is officially off the market by someone who isn't Lacey. My best friend is dating Jack Crawford. This is crazy. I mean, in a good way." Lana adds that last sentence after I send her a confused glare. We both end up laughing, cracking up for no good reason.

"I don't really care about my relationship status right now," I chide Lana, "I just want to know that you're okay. Seriously."

"I guess I was just so shocked about you and Jack dating that I just . . . fainted." Lana shrugs, continuing with, "I sometimes faint when I get really excited. Or nervous. Which gets me out of a lot of class presentations."

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