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Lana invites me over to her house after school to get ready for the football game/party

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Lana invites me over to her house after school to get ready for the football game/party. I get Dad to drop me off at her house so that we'll only have to use one car, and Lana offered to be the driver. That way I won't have to worry about driving to and from the game in the dark, which I know my dad is still hesitant about.

As usual, Lana looks amazing in her gray sweater paired with a black denim skirt and black heeled boots. She curls her light blond hair and runs a brush through it afterward in order to turn the curls into soft waves, only adding to her perfection.

I choose to dress more casually, wearing a white top with a flannel and black shorts, pairing my ensemble with sneakers. I hate getting dressed up because I always feel so uncomfortable, and I'd much rather be comfortable than trendy. It's just a house party anyway, so what's the point?

When we finally get back to school (ew, who wants to go back to school?), we head to the back area so that we can get seats in the bleachers before they get too crowded. I spot Lucas almost immediately, talking to one of his friends by the field gate.

"Hey!" Lucas cries as Lana and I pass by him, jogging to catch up with us. I meet his blue-eyed gaze and give him a small smile, which he returns brightly.

"Ugh, not this again," Lana grumbles under her breath with an eye roll. I do notice that she's smiling, so I get the feeling that Lana doesn't really mind all the flirting between Lucas and I as much as she pretends to.

I do, though. I mind.

"Are you sitting with us?" I ask Lucas, gesturing to the bleachers behind me. For the first time ever, I notice the height difference between Lucas and I. It's not huge, but it's there, and it makes me feel small for some reason.

"I was planning on it," Lucas says in response, tone light. There's a teasing gleam in his eye that I've come to know pretty well, so I brace myself for whatever he says next. "Unless, of course, you don't want me to."

I shove him, rolling my eyes as I do so. "Seriously, Lucas?"

"I'm just messing with you," he mutters with a grin. I shake my head before glancing over my shoulder, spotting my dad on the outskirts of the field. This is the very first game he's ever coached, so I wanted to talk to him before it starts.

"Hey." I turn back to my friends as I add, "I'll be right back. Save me a seat, okay?" Lana nods and flashes me an understanding smile, gesturing for me to run off. I jog over to the field until I reach my dad, stopping by his side. Dad meets my gaze and grins, and I can tell that it's a genuine smile. He's really happy right now, and I'm so grateful for that I could honestly cry. It's nice to know that, even after everything, he's found something that can make him happy.

"Dad!" I cry, throwing my arms around him in excitement. Pulling back from our hug, I smile at my father proudly. "You ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Dad admits, biting the corner of his lip like he's nervous. "I hope this goes well."

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