Chapter 11: New Job

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"So you've been living here for 10 years?" (Y/N) signed to Caesar. 


"I never expected you to be so mature." Caesar laughed. 

"I have changed." He admitted. 

"For the better I see." (Y/N) said as she examined the ape's home. 

Caesar nodded. "How're your wings?" (Y/N) smiled moving them around a bit. 

"Better." She signed. "I do have two questions though." She mentioned. "When were you able to start talking?" Caesar smiled. 

"A..while ago." He spoke.

"Cool. Now, I see you got a wife and a son?" (Y/N) smirked raising her shoulders in a way a young child would, teasing their friend about talking to their crush. Caesar pushed her away gently, in a friendly manner. "Hey, what can I say, I'm your sister. It's my job to embarrass you." (Y/N) said as she raised her hands in her surrendering way. They continued their walk across the main part of the ape village. Then Caesar gave a large hoot to another chimp who came walking up to the both of them. 

"Blue Eyes. This is (Y/N), your... well... aunt?" Caesar smiled as he made the word aunt. 

"Nah, don't think of me as an aunt. Think of me as a...weird distant relative." (Y/N) which caused the three of them to laugh. 

"(Y/N) was born in the same lab as I was. She's like a sister to me. A little sister.

"Still only a couple days older." Blue Eyes smiled at their conversation. He hasn't seen his father smile in a long time, not like this. 

"It was nice to meet you (Y/N)." 

"You too Blue Eyes." Once they finished talking, Blue Eyes left to go hang out with his friend Ash, another Chimpanzee, around the same age.

Caesar led (Y/N) over to a place where there were many young apes running around and listening to an orangutan who tried to gather their attention to teach them about the rules and laws about the ape community. Caesar then called over the orangutan. "Maurice, I want you to meet (Y/N)." Maurice bowed his head to Caesar then turned his attention to (Y/N). 

"I've heard much about you. Caesar spoke of you all the time. He really missed you." He signed. 

"Oh really?" (Y/N) asked while smirking to Caesar. After talking to Maurice about old stories of when the two were younger, Caesar introduced (Y/N) to other apes. Such as Rocket, Koba, the gorilla guard and the female groups. (Y/N) became really good friends with all of the apes, except one. Koba. She didn't know why, she just got a weird vibe when she was around him. But Caesar trusted him so she didn't question it. 

Caesar also asked (Y/N) about what job she wanted to do. She found she became really good friends with the gorilla guard. So that's what she chose. The job fit her well, she was strong, diligent and fast. (Y/N) was given the job of 'sky lookout'. She would warn the gorilla guard if a threat was approaching so that the apes would have time to evacuate and make it to safety. It had been a few days since (Y/N) and Caesar were reunited. And both of them had never been happier. 

(Y/N) had also created her own 'room'. It was in the same tree as Caesar's family. She slept on one of the strong, thick branches hidden in the leaves, just above them. Her wings covering her and keeping her warm each night. 

One early morning, all the apes woke up to a loud bang, a gunshot. Caesar jumped up and walked down the tree, finding all the other apes coming out of their homes to find where the noise had come from. As soon as Caesar made it down, (Y/N) flew down and landed next to him. 

"Go find where the sound came from. And be careful." Caesar signed to her. She nodded and flew up and across the forest. The further she flew, the louder the sound of shouting came from. (Y/N) found Blue Eyes shrieking, calling for help, while standing in between a group of humans and Ash who was lying on the ground behind him. 

(Y/N) swiftly landed on her feet behind the group humans so they couldn't run away. Her eyes slowly red and her wings held high as she slowly walked closer to them. The group of humans looked at her terrified. The man with the gun turned his gun in the direction of the great winged girl. 

"Carver! Stop!" Another man said to the person with the gun. (Y/N) suddenly stopped in her tracks and listen to the silent wind. Until about over 100 apes came running down the hill, breaking that silence. 

Peculiar's Good {Caesar X Bestfriend!Reader} #Wattys2020Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant