Chapter 52: A Discussion

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(Y/N) Your Name 

(B/N) Bird Name 

(F/C) Feather Colour 



"Bird language that only (Y/N) can understand"

"It hurt...when you told me I had to go...but I knew it was for the best. I flew away from you guys and our old home. I traveled for a few days without food and only little water. So I went into a forest. I caught some food, only a little mouse though. And once I finished, I heard noises up in the trees. I flew up there and noticed three young birds, hiding. They were scared of me, I realised. I told them that I wasn't a threat and I needed a home. But they were still scared. I heard shrieks from other birds telling me to leave. So I did. I got some water from a nearby pond and was on my way. I flew for weeks this time and found another part of a forest. I caught some more food and water. There were no scared young birds that time. But I was still told to leave. This went on for a while..before I heard about the fight up North. I hid in the trees and listened to these two birds talking, they were woodpeckers. They spoke of apes, people with guns, both apes and people being killed in a fight. Then they mentioned a giant bird, bigger than any other. They didn't give much detail, but I knew it was you. So I asked them where it happened and they pointed North and gave me directions on where to go. It's been a tough year. I'd been attacked by other animals, traveled without much water, food or rest. Then I found you again." (B/N) explained. 

(Y/N) felt guilty for making (B/N) leave her. She felt it was her fault that (B/N) went through those events. (B/N) noticed this. "It's not your fault, you know?

"Yes it is! I made you go, if I didn't, then none of that would've happened to you." 

"If I stayed, I would have just slowed you down." 

"I could've kept you safe. Protected you." 

"But I'm here now. Look at what you did! You and Caesar brought the apes to a safe home. Away from the evil humans. Where is Caesar anyway?

(Y/N smiled gratefully before the smile disappeared. How many times do I have to repeat this damn story? She thought to herself. "A year ago, he was shot. With an arrow. But he didn't die in vain. Before he passed, he was able to lead us here. He saved the apes. I did help, but it was all him... We all miss him. But he's still here with us as we carry on his ways." She said, getting a little teary eyes but didn't let tears fall. (B/N) flapped his wings and hovered in the air for a second before he landed on (Y/N)'s left knee. "I'm sorry I made you go." (Y/N) said seriously. "But I'm glad you're back." She said with a smile as she gave (B/N) a gentle stroke down his back. 

"I missed you too. And I'll also miss Caesar. But I will always respect him, and now I will follow you, till the day I die." (B/N) vowed before he smirked. 

"Now. Let's talk about that human I saw you with. Is he a threat? Is he respectful? What's his name? Do I need to poke his eyes out?-" (B/N) before he was cut off by (Y/N). 

"No! No, he's not a threat and you definitely don't need to poke his eyes out! His name is Damon and he's very respectful." 

"You together?

"He did ask if I wanted to be in a relationship with him, but I said no. I just thought it was too soon I guess." 

"But do you like him?" (B/N) asked. 

"A tiny bit more as a friend... maybe?" She tried to explain. "Also, there are some birds around here that seem nice. You should hang out with them." (Y/N) suggested as she stood up. 

"Yeah, sure, that could be nice but first you got to tell me about those bandages around your wing." (B/N) said changing the subject. (Y/N) froze before she gave a nervous laugh. 

"What do you mean? It's fine, and you know I've been through worse."

"I know, but what did you go through this time?"

"...A group of soldiers were found. And I got shot...three times."


"Hey! I'm fine. I'm healing fast so don't worry."

"You got shot three times! I'm pretty sure that's an excuse to worry."

"It happened like..two days ago. I'm just staying off flying for a couple more days."

" flew over to me about an hour ago!"

"Yeah but that was only for a bit."

"You're still as stubborn as ever."

"Thank you very much." 

(B/N) rolled his eyes before hovering in the air. "Just take it easy." He said. 

"Damon's a lot like you." (Y/N) replied. 

"Then he doesn't seem that bad." (B/N) admitted which made them both laugh. (Y/N) called some birds over and introduced (B/N) to all of them. She noticed (B/N) took a liking to all of them immediately. They got along almost instantly. (Y/N) watched (B/N) fly off with the birds to a different part of the forest, to hang out with his own kind for a bit. 

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