Chapter 6 - Meet NYC

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Natalia's P. O. V

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious? So you're telling me that you hated your prom date so much that you actually humiliated her in front of the whole school? Why did you agree to be her date then?"

He shrugged, "She was the 'hottest' in the school and when I heard that she wanted me to be her boyfriend and date, I thought it was great at the time. Then I got to know her and hated what I saw so I decided to teach her a lesson." He used air quotes at hottest

I chuckled, "I get that, but openly pushing her off the stage while she was accepting the crown and into the chocolate fountain?" Candy chuckled in my head as she pictured us doing that to the slut squad.

"Drastic times call for drastic measures." He stated then raised his cup of coffee, "To correcting the bitches in life." I laughed as I raised my almost empty cup of chocolate ice cream and sprinkles to his. I had some serious correcting to do too.

We were in my very first Starbucks shop. I had changed into jeans at home - oh how I loved that word - and he'd led me to his car. I'd driven in my first car and gone to my first mall.

It'd been liberating and exhilarating.

We were at a Starbucks shop in the mall and I'd tasted my first coffee - it was black - which I'd hated. Trevor had noticed and generously offered to get me something else.

I ended up tasting my very first chocolate ice cream.

When I'd hesitantly tasted it then sighed with appreciation, Trevor had teased me and said I looked like I'd never tasted ice cream before. I'd laughed nervously.

"So, Ari, what was your old high school like?" He asked. I shrugged, "Not very nice. I was bullied and picked on and my mum died a few days ago so I decided to move for a fresh start." I hated lying to him especially since he'd been so nice to me.

His smile faded and he looked solemn, "I'm sorry to hear that. Which high school are you planning on attending here?"

"None. I'm going to university. I haven't applied for any yet, though."

"You look young."

"I'm eighteen."

His eyes widened, "I'm sorry - you look so much younger than eighteen – like sixteen." He reached for his cup. "What do you have in mind?"

I chuckled nervously, "Nothing." He stopped mid-reach and his eyes darted to me. "My decision to move was very spontaneous. When my mum died, I wanted to get away from the memories. College will help take my mind off her and I know she'd want me to make something out of myself." It wasn't entirely untrue. I remembered her telling me that I should dream big and leave my mark on the world.

He cleared his throat, "I know a lot of colleges and have lots of connections. Which subjects did you take?"

"All of them. I couldn't attend all the classes but I read all the notes and wrote all the exams. I'm not sure but I think I could major in architecture or journalism." I shrugged and he looked impressed.

After we finished eating, he took me on a tour of the city and to a few colleges. He goofed around and made me laugh the whole time. At 6:24, he pulled up at my house and walked me to the door.

"Thank you; I had so much fun today. This is the most I've laughed in ages." Actually since I was six but I wasn't about to tell him that. It'd kill the mood.

He beamed, "It was my pleasure. We should do this again sometime. Give me your cell so I can call you."

I looked at my shoes, "I don't have one."

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