Chapter 14 - To Enrol and Lose Control

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Natalia's P. O. V

"The Haunted Fortress?" I asked as I scrunched my nose. The dreadful screeching of those bats were grating on my sensitive eardrums more than they should have.

"Yeah, there's a story behind the name but that's a one for the bonfire when school starts." Trevor explained as he shut his door. I flinched as the sound reached my ears. I knew he hadn't slammed it but it sounded like he'd all but forcefully hit it with a sledgehammer.

"Come on, pick up the pace!" Greg yelled from up ahead. I screwed my eyes shut to keep the sound from rattling my brain but it only served to heighten my sense of hearing as my sight was cut off.

I opened my eyes and started towards the looming castle, focusing only on getting inside where the screeching of the bats would be dulled. The distance seemed to stretch as I all but ran to the door. Beads of sweat dotted my temples and some casually strolled down my forehead. I grasped the handle and opened the door, stumbling inside and supporting myself with my knees.

"Whoa, what was that?" I suppressed the urge to jump as Greg's voice snuck up from behind me.

"What was what?" I half-heartedly feigned cluelessness.

He looked incredulous, "Your speed. You were almost a blur back in the courtyard."

"I used to be on the track team." I lied smoothly upon regaining my composure.

"Here, you forgot your bag." Trevor said as he handed said item to me.


"What was the rush?" he inquired.

I shrugged, "Just excited. Plus, the bats creeped me out." Half truth.

Greg laughed, "Well, I hope they don't creep you out too much, cause they pretty much live here every second of the year."

We walked across the expansive, expensive looking reception to the front desk where a young man sat. He wore a bored expression that told hours of nothing to do.

"What can I do for you?" he asked curtly without looking up.

"I'm here for an admission application." I replied.

He pointed down the hall on the right and went back to visually scorning the world. Following his directionless directions, we went down the wide hallway and knocked on the door labelled admission.

"Come in." A voice that should have been muffled by the door instructed.

Turning the handle, we opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind us.

A stern looking woman with the beauty and commanding aura of a queen stared at us.

"Gregory and Trevor Geranomy, unless you are here to drop out, please excuse us."

The brothers quickly shuffled out of the room at her command.

She motioned to the chair in front of her desk, "Have a seat."

I sat.

"I presume you are here for an admission, Miss...?" she trailed off in question.


"Miss Arielle, our requirements include previous transcripts, results of notable exams. We do not accept anything less than the best. In the event that you gain admission into our school, your starting date will be on the eleventh of January. " she stated.

"If you don't mind, I would like to start in September"

Her perfectly shaped right brow twitched in what I assumed was annoyance – it was hard to tell with her stoic expression.

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