Chapter 17 - Suspicions

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Trevor's P. O. V

I watched Ari's retreating figure as she stormed out of the room. Looking back at the others, I caught a smirk on Keily's face.

"That was rude. You've been nothing but terrible to her since you two met and yet, she still came to help you. You couldn't even thank her." I chastised and got off the bed.

She flipped her hair and stared haughtily at me. "Like it matters. She probably didn't know it was me that needed help and only did anything to save face with you guys."

"That's not true. Hail told her that the one who needed help was you."

Greg folded his arms and glared at me, "You're one to talk. You came back afterwards only to interrogate her."

"I was just trying to understand the situation better." I defended. Something's not right with her – no matter how I feel.

Hail shook her head, "Yeah, right. There's trying to understand then there's fishing for information. You weren't nice either."

Keily rolled her eyes, "Why are you taking this so seriously?"

Greg turned to her in exasperation, "Oh, I don't know, Keily. Maybe, it's cause she saved your life and neither of you showed any appreciation."

Keily rolled her eyes again, "Whatever."

Hailey glared at her twin, "No. No 'whatever'. We're going over to her place to apologise for how mean you two were."

Keily sneered, "Or what? What are you? Our mom? Will you send us to our rooms?"

Hailey's glare hardened and she stood up to her sister for the first time since I'd met them, "We are going even if I have to drag you by your hair. Gregory, Trevor, meet us downstairs when you're ready. Let's go, Keily." She stated with finality and left the room.

We glanced at each other with shock. Keily blinked multiple times before huffing and getting out of bed to follow her sister, slamming the door behind her.

"Well, you don't see that every day." Greg mumbled and got to tidying his bed.

I fidgeted as he worked, not knowing how to voice my concerns but not wanting to remain silent. Several times, I opened my mouth then closed it upon not finding my voice. I must've looked like a blubbering fish out of water.

"I think there's something off about Ari" I finally blurted.

He looked up from his task, "What do you mean?"

"She told me that her mom died a few days before she moved here but I've never seen her look sad. She doesn't seem to be mourning. Plus, if she lived in a cabin and never had a phone, how can she afford the new house she just got? It doesn't make any sense."

Greg shook his head as he continued straightening the place up. "I don't know about you, but to me, she doesn't seem like the kind of person that likes to look vulnerable in front of others, especially with Keily around. You don't know what she does when she's not with us. For all we know, she could be bawling her eyes out every time she's alone. Besides, she said that she was in town settling something of her mom's. Maybe she inherited her mom's secret wealth. We don't know much about her but she's still our friend. At least give her the benefit of the doubt."

"Exactly! We don't know anything about her. Remember when we took her to Killdrain?"


"She said she was scared of bats but it didn't look like just fear, it looked like she was in pain just being outside the building. She ran so fast that she was almost a blur. Nobody is that fast."

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