Chapter 9 - Tears of the Current and Past

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Three days earlier...

Kirstin's P. O. V

I couldn't believe it.

The omega was dead?

I had been walking into the living room when I overheard Brittany scorn the omega for her death and how weak she was to have been killed by a bear.

"She's a werewolf for goodness sake – or at least half. And to think she claimed her biological father is my dad. What a disgrace. Any werewolf worth their salt wouldn't lose to a bear." She'd said then cackled.

'No,' I thought, 'she can't be dead. My shot at revenge can't be dead.'

'Why don't we check for ourselves?' Gracine, my wolf, asked. I agreed but first, I had to do something in case the news wasn't true. I pivoted around and crept to Kylie's room careful not to catch anyone's attention. As luck would have it, the corridor her room was on was vacant. I opened and closed the door as quietly as possible, wary of werewolf ears.

I didn't have to look long for what I needed. I picked the letter up and quickly read it. Even though it wasn't addressed to me, the contents made me shudder. Intense. Despite that, it made me grin. Good, someone else was out for her blood too.

If she wasn't dead, that is.

I placed the letter back the way I found it and left the scene, praying that I'd been over enough for Kylie not to notice the strength of my scent. I bolted outside, avoiding everyone I could and making myself as inconspicuous as possible to those I couldn't. I rushed to the edge of the forest and closed my eyes. Breathing deeply, I connected with the forest before me.

It was extremely rare for a werewolf to be gifted. A gift to a werewolf was a special ability or power that was outside the usual perks that came with being a one. While not unheard of, only one in every thousand werewolves was likely to be gifted. I was one of those few.

My gift was that if I connected enough with a place, person or thing, I would be shown their view of the past. I'd planned on telling my mate first but... you know how that went.

I deepened my connection with the forest. Show me the last female werewolf who did not shift.

A heart wrenching scene played in my mind. I saw the omega limp towards the border and collapse. I watched with dismay as she tried to get up, only to fall back down, screaming. I covered my ears along with her in an attempt to block out the blood curdling sound she emanated and sighed with relief when she stopped, probably due to loss of consciousness. From the intensity of her screams, I could tell the pain she was in surpassed even my rejection pain, including when Harry marked and mated the bitch Kylie – and I was talking about a girl who never made a sound, shed a tear or lost consciousness during the brutal beatings she'd received daily when she was still in the pack.

For her to have screamed so loud, in such pain, with so much despair and agony... I never wanted to feel anything like that

I fast forwarded to when she got up and limped across the border and into the forest. Even with a limp, her speed could have matched that of an uninjured werewolf of considerable status. I continued to fast forward, skimming her journey to where she slept, her conversation with her wolf, her trip back to the border and the gap between when she strayed too far for the forest to see and when she re-entered the forest.

I stopped when she arrived at a river. I listened to her mental conversation and watched as she created her 'death scene' then continued her run. I noticed her rapid recovery and break-neck speed. If it weren't a mental replay, my eyes wouldn't have been able to keep up with her speed of light movements. It wasn't normal werewolf speed. I doubted that even the royal family of werewolves would have been able to keep up with her. In addition to that, she had enough strength to throw that rabbit carcass hundreds of kilometres.

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