Chapter 15 - What It Means To Be A Syrenlina

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Natalia's P. O. V

Humming a tune, I bounded down the stairs, taking them seven at a time with bountiful leaps.

Upon entering my kitchen, I rummaged around my cupboards for the ingredients used to make blueberry pancakes. Breakfast was always the worst meal of my day back at the Lightwood pack. Mostly because I had to wake up extremely early simply to make large amounts of food for ungrateful creatures coupled with the fact that I technically wasn't allowed to eat anything in the morning. Oh well.

While eating, I felt Candy stir.

'Morning, Candy.'

'Good Morning, Nat. What are we doing today?'

I swallowed the food in my mouth and replaced it with another forkful. 'Well, it's the third day since we saw Mrs Burton so were due for a visit. Maybe we'll learn more about mom and our history.'

'Sounds good.'

Standing up, I cleaned up after myself, washing dishes and pans, and wiping table tops. When I was done, the sun was barely touching the sky and it was beginning to get brighter.

'Let's go work on the garden.' Candy quipped, being the nature lover she was.

I went to my closet to get suitable footwear the ventured into said garden, grabbing tools from the shed on my way to the flowerbed. For the next few hours, I weeded and trimmed, tending to the flowers and watering them. I cleaned the birdbath and fountain, tidied the shed and raked fallen leaves from the trees.

Sighing with contentment, I admired my work as I threw the last leaf away.

'It looks gorgeous!' Candy squealed with delight.

I laughed, 'If we ever shift, you'd better not mess this up.' I warned as I put the tools away and walked inside.

'Wouldn't dream of it. Now go get ready, its already past nine and it takes longer to get to Super Banking from here.'

'Yeah, yeah. I know. This was your idea anyway.' I grumbled.

After a quick shower, I changed into a red shirt that boldly read 'Drop it like it's hot!' in black and jeans with oxblood ankle boots. Grabbing my bag, I left my house, locking it behind me.

'Do you think it'd be faster to run? It's already pretty late.' Candy asked.

Taking off my shoes, I agreed, 'I think so.'

Since I didn't know the direct route to Super Banking, I ran to my old house then to my destination, arriving with half an hour to spare.

Making sure no one had noticed my sudden appearance, I put my shoes back on and walked into the building, welcomed by the comforting feeling the place gave me.

"Morning, Melody." I smiled.

She bowed her head slightly in reply, "Good morning, Your Highness. It's good to see you looking well."

I did a double take, "What did you just say?"

Her eyes widened in realisation and she covered her mouth, as if to take back her words. "I'm so sorry. Mrs Burton told us not to refer to your status until she'd explained everything to you today. I forgot."

"Is she available?"


I marched down the hall, into the masked elevator and into Mrs Burton's office without bothering to knock.

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