Chapter 30 - Good Work

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Natalia's P. O. V

"You – make – me! Feel like I'm livin' a- teen-age dream! The way you turn me on! I – can't – sleep! Let's run away and DON'T EVER LOOK BACK! DON'T EVER LOOK BACK!"

Hailey was singing at the top of her lungs, swinging her head wildly so her, high ponytail kept flying around. It never hit me but she did swerve the car a few times and almost got us into a minor accident more than once. Let's just say that I found out what the handle on the hood of the car was for.

"Hailey," I breathed deeply through my nose in an attempt to ease my galloping heart as she narrowly missed another accident, my knuckles white as I gripped the handle, "could you please slow down?! And focus on the road!"

"If you don't steady this death trap, I will drive it myself!" Kaesha yelled tensely from the back. My guess was that she did not like cars.

Hailey laughed, not the least bit apologetic, "Sorry guys. But, Kaesha," She glanced back at the slightly nauseous witch for longer than advisable, in my opinion, "are you scared of cars?"

"I am not scared!" Kaesha defended, indignation shining in her voice, "I just get a little motion sickness in vehicles. And your reckless driving isn't helping anything!"

This time, I joined in as Hailey laughed.

"Oh, you think it's funny?" Kaesha said. Then I was gripped with a sudden urge to empty the contents of my stomach. A short glance at Hailey showed that she was also green faced.

"Alright! Alright!" She conceded, "I'll drive safer! Just make it stop!"

Kaesha undid whatever she'd done in the first place and laughed as Hailey and I gulped down air.

"Why'd you do it to me?" I complained as Hailey pouted, muttering about killjoys.

Through the rear view mirror, I saw her shrug, "You laughed at me."

I simply shook my head and turned to gaze at the rapidly passing scenery, a smile on my face. I had allies, friends and a little family. And they were willing to help me.

Listening to Hailey's pouty complaints and Kaesha's smug remarks, I was happy.

Kirstin's P. O. V

Heels clicking and hips swaying, I strutted down the hallway on the short trip to Brittany's room. I felt the gazes of horny males and a few jealous females. I had long since gotten used to the attention living the 'Brittany way' attracted.

"Come... come in!" Brittany's breathy voice came at my knock.

I opened the door, cringing at the sock hanging on the handle, and stepped in, shutting it behind me.

"Kirstin..." She breathed, entangled in her sheets and comforter with one of her guys.

When he popped his head out to wink at me, I recognised him. He was her favourite of all of them and was the one she went the most rounds with. I wracked my head for his name: Dexter? Darik?

"Didn't know you liked to watch, Kirstin." He gave me a sly side grin, "Wanna join?"

Derek. Definitely Derek.

I smirked and shook my head, giving a short laugh, "Not into threesomes, Derek."

"You sure you don't wanna try?"

"I'll pass."

He made a half shrugging motion and resumed whatever the hell he was doing with Brittany under there. To occupy myself, I silently inspected her room again as I recorded them. It wasn't really much to look at. She had a few posters of the Royal Werewolves and power quotes here and there. Contrary to the stereotype that followed people with her kind of reputation, her room didn't have a trace of pink in it. I was pretty sure she despised the colour. Said it made her want to gorge her eyes out. Instead, her favourite colour was yellow - light dusty yellow to be exact. The colour of her wolf.

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