~Cuatro- Befriending You~

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LUNCHTIME. I scan my eyes across the maroon-colored cafeteria, shakily holding my lunch on its unstable tray. I'm really scared that Alex found some other people to sit with, leaving me at a table by myself. Thankfully, I'm shook out of my nervous feelings when I see the beanie-sporting boy standing against a wall, seeming relieved to see my face.

      Alex strides over to me, looking around as if people were trying to kill him or something. I begin the conversation with a simple "Hey," to which he returns. "Here follow me."

     I walk to a local and seemingly-vacant table, reaching and patting the table to indicate for him to sit across from me.  He obliges and takes his seat. Slowly opening his lunch bag, I examine what's packed inside. When he takes out his napkin, I start to laugh uncontrollably. "What?" Alex asks, a confused smile plastered on his face.

      "I just- your napkin. That's great." I manage to let out. His napkin has pen writing on it, saying, "¡Te amo cariño! ¡Que tengas un maravilloso día!"
Which means, "I love you honey, have a wonderful day!"

      "Your mom still writes notes for you?" I question genuinely.

      "Yours doesn't?"

      "Nope, I have a mom who embarrasses me in different ways. You witnessed it first hand back at my house." My statement makes him let out a small laugh.

      "The real question you should be asking me," he says as he pulls out mini apple crisps from his bag, "is who the hell packs these for their 18-year-old son?"

     I giggle. "What? Apple crisps are awesome, dude."

     "They're for, like, 2 year olds!"

     "Growing boys need their Vitamin C."

      "I think I'm done growing for the most part, Y/N."

      "Maybe you'll put on another few inches, shortie." I state, acting sassy. Hopefully he doesn't think I'm an actual bully.

      "Rude! All 5'10 of me is going to get you for that."

      "Whatever you say. Shortie roll is now your official name."

"You can't talk. You're, what, 5'2? "

"Excuse you? I'll have you know I'm 5'4. If you're gonna make fun of me for something, do something accurate, Alex."

"Okay, hmmm..." he scans me up and down, making me smile but feel self conscious at the same time, "cabbage patch."

"The hell? Why?" I reply with a laugh.

"Cause you got some short ass arms, just like those cabbage patch kid dolls."

"You're so rude to me, why did I let you sit with me." I say with an obvious fake cry.

"Cause without me, you'd be sitting by yourself." Alex says honestly.

"That is true..."

For the rest of our 25-minute lunch, we continue to sit, eat, and talk. Our conversation flows really smoothly. It's not awkward, but we're not acting like long-time friends. We have a nice chemistry with a lot in common.

Alex and I also learn a lot about each other in the time. He has an older brother, his favorite color is blue, and he moved to Morelia from Sinaloa because his dad got offered a well-paying job. We don't bring up our YouTube channels, but in spite of that, we agree to talk again at lunch the next day. Before we know it, we're doing it again, and again, and again...

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