~Nueve- Preparing for You~

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WEEKS are hard to get through when you're anxious. It is now late Friday evening, and I'm mixed with both nervousness and anticipation. My date with Alex is tomorrow night, and as I lie down on my bed, invested in both my phone and my blankets, I can't help but be scared.

     That is until I get a text from him.

Today: 11:05 PM
From: Shortie 🍞


Lmao someone's a little  hyper

Sorry I'm just excited for tmrw

Should I be honest here? Fuck it.

Yeah, me too
                   Lowkey kinda nervous tho

Oh shit now I'm gonna look like I'm insane.

I really dk why lmao 

Great cover up.

You're fine
I can't say I don't feel the same lol

Ok good lol
Can we go over the plan?

I'll walk to your house.
Then we'll go to Olive Garden.
Then we'll order our food.
Then we'll eat the food.
Then I'll take you to your front porch.
Then you'll say I'm an amazing person and I'll say ik.
Then you'll go inside and I'll go back to my house and we'll both be happy and full of Italian food.
The end.

I have to do all that work?!
Can I at least get a hug afterwards like damn

Okay fine
I'll hug you then I'll drive home.
The end.
Oh and dress casually


Okay I gotta go

Wtf it's only 11

I have to get my beauty sleep idiot

Ok fine

Gn 💓

Damn, he sent a heart.

     As for me, no. I don't get my beauty sleep. I get up and do some beauty work.

     I go through two face masks, two pore strips, three hair products, two razors, and multiple other miscellaneous beauty products. I can't sleep knowing I could look ugly on my first date with Alex, let alone the first date of my life.

       I eventually get tired of trying. I'll do some more construction work tomorrow, I guess. I lie back in bed, make myself comfortable, and drift off thinking about the date tomorrow.

     The next morning goes like any other one, but the afternoon runs much differently. Even though Alex told me how to dress, I spend 45 minutes picking out what to wear. Despite him telling me I don't have to look too nice, I take an hour and a half trying to pick out the perfect makeup look(thank you James Charles). Although he said not to worry about how I look since it's Olive Garden, I straighten my hair in 5 different layers. By the time I'm done, I have only an hour and a half to spare, and apparently I missed 5 texts from Alex.

Today: 5:37 PM
From: Shortie 🍞

Don't forget we're going out tonight
I know you're gonna forget
Also please don't tell anyone abt this
No offence n stuff I just don't want it to get out to Steph and everyone

Np bud

Bud? Is that all I am to you Y/N ✊😔

Not if you play your cards right ;)

     I walk downstairs to my living room and plop down on my couch.

     "OH YOU LOOK NICE HONEY!!!" My mom says. Shit, I forgot to tell her.

      "Heh, thanks."

     "Why are you so dressed u- what's his name." She says knowingly with a smirk.

     "NONONO, I'm just, uh, going out to the mall with Steph. For an hour or so."

     "Mmk, whatever you say." She walks away.

    I quickly whip out my phone and text Alex.

Today: 5:39 PM
To: Shortie 🍞

Change of plans. I freaked out and told my mom I'm going to the mall with Steph. I'll meet you at your house at 7

Lmao you idiot
But ok

     At exactly 7:00, I walk to the door. I yell. "MOM IM LEAVING!" and walk out the door before she can say a word. I walk to the house across the street and knock on Alex's door.

Here goes nothing.

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