~Seis- Being Honest to You~

38.7K 1K 1.5K

(This song doesn't really relate to the story but I think the actual sound of it kinda works with it. Idk man it's a good song 😭)

ALEX stares blankly into my eyes. No facial expression is clearly shown on his face- just one that shows he's not sure what to say. I don't want him to think I'm mad or upset, so I break the silence.

"It's fine if you do. Completely fine. In fact, as embarrassing as it is, it's cool. I just, surprised I guess. I didn't think you'd watch my type of videos." I say, pointing my hands and feet more towards him. It's supposed to be body language for openness and interest in conversation. I knew that watching psychology documentaries would pay off one day. I wait for a response for a few seconds, watching Alex trying to get his words together.

"Y-Yeah. I do watch your videos," He begins with a sigh, "like, a lot. Don't be mad at me for this, but I've been subscribed for almost two years now- ever since you were still making W.I.H.E."

W.I.H.E. was what I started off my channel with when I was thirteen. It stood for Why I Hate Everything, and it was a series reviewing stupid videos I would find in my free time. I stopped making them two years ago, sometime before my sixteenth birthday. Almost half of the videos I've made private out of embarrassment, but I've left enough that people can get a taste of how I've progressed since starting on my channel four years ago.

"Why would I be mad, shortie? I mean, I don't know why you'd want to watch my videos, but I'm not upset at all. And I also kind of have a confession to make," I say honestly, "I'm kind of a huge fan of your videos. I've been watching you since my channel reached 1K subscribers."

"Oh my god, really?" Alex laughs.
"I knew you followed me and stuff, so I've known this entire time that you knew me. I was just too scared to bring it up, I guess."

"If you don't mind me asking, then, how come you only followed me the other week if you knew that MoonShine existed?" MoonShine is my YouTube channel name. I made it up when I was younger, when my mom asked me what I wanted my nickname to be. Ever since then, I've used it as an online nickname. It's stupid, but it's always stuck with me.

"In all honesty, Y/N, I've just been scared. You know how fans can be. Whenever I follow a girl they fear the worst. That's why most of my life is private, really. But if I have to hide little things to avoid speculation, I couldn't give a crap anymore."

"Okay, then. That's everything, right?" I ask.


"Good. That was cheesy as hell. Now let's get back to playing, loser."

      I'm glad everything cleared up with Alex. I'm also glad that I don't have to hide anything anymore. So in all, I'm just glad.

     After playing another few rounds of Fortnite, we got tired of me winning every round. Alex puts away the PS4 controllers as I lie down on his couch. "What time is it?" I ask him. He checks his phone and replies, "4:40."

      "Okay, so what do we do know?"

      "I don't know, got any good ideas in mind?"

      "What if we make a video together?" I suggest, "We could do a Reddit video or something. I need a new video for my channel."

      "Sure, I need to practice my r/skills anyway." I playfully roll my eyes at his statement, which I can't help but giggle at anyway. He leads me up to his bedroom and gets me a place to seat.


      "Hello people! Today I'm here with my friend Quackity, and we're gonna be reading posts from r/fml. Say hi."

     "Hey gamers! 50K likes and Y/N will let me get an extra meal while I'm in my captivity room."

       I laugh and make an evil face at the camera. "We'll see what happens."

       "Okay, first post. You can read it, Quackity."

     Alex lets out his loud laugh

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     Alex lets out his loud laugh. "Damn." Without telling me what he's planning on doing, he gets up from his seat and goes over to his door. He slams on it repeatedly, yelling "FBI OPEN UP!" I cant help but let out my obnoxious laughter. I'm sure this video will look great when it's actually edited.

      Once we have enough content, we outro the video. I begin with my typical outro. "Okay friends, I hope you enjoyed this video, I know I had fun making it. I don't know if Quackity did though."

     "Eh, it was alright. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about this website, so..."

      "Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day. 75K likes for a part two, and I will see you next time." I cover Alex's camera with my hand and press the button to stop recording. "I think I'm gonna head home. The videos not gonna edit itself, yknow?" I grab my sweatshirt and phone, walking towards the door.



      "Stay a little while longer."

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