↳ valentine's special

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[ valentine's special ]

( a/n: this was requested wayyy before and its a late update but c': please forgive me )



- valentine's day starts out rather boring for sal as you couldn't make it to school :(

- turns out your dumbass slept in smh

- but you planned a very special date for you both tho (since it is the first valentine's day for you two as a couple)

- you know sal's not one for big things so you try to make it as small as possible

- by small, i mean, just chilling at his place and you cook dinner

- you cooked some fancy meal and placed them on the table

- even a few candles here and there

- you wear a stunning gown/suit/pjs/okidontknow, hoping it'd possibly break the blue boy >:3

- you even bought him a present! a custom painted eye glass (i wrote a oneshot of somehing similiar, maybe you should check it out, reader c;)

- you wait patiently, smiling as you look down at your watch

- and when he arrives, he immediately just stares at you for a solid 5 minutes

- ". . . y/n, what'd you do now?"

- you get fairly upset cause you just wanted to do somehing nice for him >:(

- he laughs afterwards, reassuring you he's joking

- oR IS HE???

- anyways, you two sit down and eat the night away >:)

- he washes the dishes afterwards cause youre too tired

- you eventually just sit on the couch (he follows suite after washing the dishes)

- you present him the glass eye and he is beyond happy

- can't even contain it! he's like one small excited boy who just got candy

- "this? for me? are you serious? oh my god-"

- he'd just be so happy and thank you a lot (would even start cying for no reason)

- and he gives you a small kiss on the lips :3

- "happy valentine's day, y/n,"

- "happy valentine's day, baby blue,"

- some might say the event was cliché but sal thought the dinner to be quite sweet and cute


- he wanted to make it extra special

- but then again, this is larry we're talking about

- he'd most likely procastinate on stuff like this and go for the simple dates

- would plan a movie night (forgive me, readers for the simple valentine's ideas)

- you guys would cuddle up together on the couch with netflix on

- probably a sad romantic movie

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