↳ when they see their s/o get mad

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[ when they see their s/o get mad ]


- you're never one to really get angry

- okay, maybe you do get annoyed now and then

- but you don't get angry

- ever

- but today was different

- sal. . . had been acting strange

- too strange.

- he's been waking up so late and having nightmares wayyy to frequently now

- god, he didn't even shower for 4 days straight

- and lord knew you worried, so so worried

- you contronted him about it

- "sally face?"

- "yeah?"

- "have you been taking your meds lately?"

- you know sal doesn't lie to you so when he was silent after you question, you knew exactly what that meant

- you'd start going off about how his meds are important or else he'll just start worsening and worsening and that he might even go back to his horrific coping mechanisms

- sal gets upset and talks back (he doesn't yell tho), saying that he won't

- you start getting more and more upset as he starts denying and defend his own purpose of not taking meds

- he'd get so upset and yell back suddenly

- "i don't like that the meds make me feel numb, y/n! i don't feel anything! i can't even feel happy and giddy when i see you! it's horrible! it makes me want to die!"

- you go silent. visibly upset but you say nothing

- you then left the room

- you guys didn't talk for the next 3 days butttt

- you two got around it eventually, apologizing to eachother

- the fact that you got angry at him was surprising to him cause you never were the type to be so angry

- sal, at least, takes his meds now :)

- well, he tries to


- you get angry at larry sometimes, sure

- but to get really angry at him?

- never

- well, never until about today

- larry's always out here trying new things and of course, you're totally fine with it

- wanna go shoplifting? sure

- crossdressing? why not

- drugs??? absolutely not.

- you've had a bad run with drugs whether it be your friends or family (or even yourself)

- it fucks people's lives

- so to think that larry wanted to go down this fucked path was absolutely a big no no from you

- "y/n! it's just cocaine! jesus fucking christ!"

- "just cocaine?"

- you two yell at eachother a hella lot during the fight

- and you going off about how stupid and how immature larry was being right now

- he just storms out the room, not wanting to listen to your 'bullshit'

- this hurt you deeply cause you just wanted the best for him and yet here he was being all pissy about it

- you avoided talking to him for the next 2 weeks

- he tried to talk to you but you just couldnt look at him in the eyes

- you eventually did talk to him when he was crying so badly outside your room

- overall just hates it when youre angry at him cause he knows you give silent treatment like a bitch


- yooo the amount of fights you guys have are like

- 0

- you two barely fight honestly!!!

- okay maybe you do sometimes but never big fights where you get super angry

- it was all because of something stupid that both you guys couldn't remember what you were so angry about

- you were furious that time and just started saying mean mean things

- ash would usually fight back in situations like this

-but she didn't

- she just looked at you with angry sad eyes and just left

- you left eventually too cause you were just so pissed!!!

- she knows you didn't mean the things you said but it still deep hurt her

- eventually you two just start talking again and apologized at the same time

- "hey baby? i'm sorry,"

- ". . . i'm sorry too,"


- you're all up for todd's stupid experiments

- even becoming his lab rat at times (not that you dont mind)

- buttttt

- this one experiment he had in mind was a bit TOO stupid

- and not to mention dangerous

- "todd, i don't think we should do this,"

- you try to talk to him about the dangers of the experiment

- but he seems to just shrug you off and say that it'll be fine

- he continues on with the experiment which causes your blood to just boil

- "todd, i said stop!"

- you can clearly tell todd's getting annoyed by you but you just want the best for him!

- he continues to ignore you and you just!!!


- you start yelling at him (with very very solid points!!!)

- causes todd to stop for a moment and just talk back

- "s/o, it's not even that fucking big of a deal! if you would just-"

- "no! i mean if you want to hurt yourself over some stupid fucking experiment then go ahead!"

- it's the angriest he's seen you and doesn't know what to do

- you two don't talk for a few days

- before having todd apologize over a call (he's too scared to apologize face to face :c)

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