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Love of Your Life

THE SMELL of liquor instantly wafted into Kendall's nose as she and Eric entered the bar.

Soft jazz floated around the room from the band that was currently playing onstage. The collective murmurs from people having their own conversations sounded like a faint buzz under the music. Occasionally, someone would laugh a little louder than they should.

Eric pulled out a chair at a square-shaped table for Kendall to sit on. Once she was seated, he walked around the table to the seat across from her. Then he took out his phone and pretended to check it.

"My buddy just texted me that he won't be able to make it tonight," Eric said lamely.

Kendall wasn't surprised. It was something she would expect from a guy like Eric.

She forced a smile. "That's okay."

Eric signaled a waitress and ordered two shots of tequila. "You drink, right?"

Kendall nodded in response, distracted by the performer who was about to sing. When they opened their mouth and lyrics began to flow out effortlessly, Kendall became nervous. The people she sung for in Georgia seemed to like her singing, but this was an entirely different state. What if they hated her? What if they booed at her?

No matter how hard she tried, Kendall couldn't remove the horrifying image of the crowd hurling rotten tomatoes at her from her mind.

Two shots of liquid courage and some awkward small talk later, Kendall had finally worked up the nerve to go onstage.

"I think I'm gonna go up there."

Eric laughed. His grin faltered, however, when he saw Kendall's deadpanned expression. "Wait. You're serious?"

"Damn right I am," she declared, getting up from her seat and walking on stage.

She informed the employee that was working the karaoke machine of what song she wanted to sing. He handed her the microphone as Vance Joy's 'Riptide' began to play from the bar's speakers. Kendall closes her eyes, trying to picture a positive end result.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

"I was scared of dentists and the dark. I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations."

As she continued to sing, the entire audience became captivated by the way her voice rose from her throat and drifted around the room. The lyrics flowed from her naturally pink lips smoothly like water in a slow-moving river. Her voice sounded like a sickly-sweet syrup; if you had too much, you wouldn't feel good, but you couldn't help but crave more.

"I got a lump in my throat 'cause you're gonna sing the words wrong."

She gave back the microphone and the whole bar erupted into applause. The cheers from the crowd where like a happy pill to Kendall—like an extra dose of dompamine. And God knew she needed all the extra doses she could get.

"I had no idea you could sing," Eric complimented as Kendall took a seat.

Kendall signaled a waitress with a tray of tequila shots in her hand and took two, downing them both immediately.

Eric looked at Kendall wearily. "Ken, you might wanna take it easy."

Kendall grimaced at the empty shot glass in her hand before putting it down to look back at Eric. "I'm at a bar on a Friday night. I might as well get drunk."

"All right, Morgan." Eric smiled and signaled the waitress back for four more shots. The waitress who was clearly becoming annoyed placed the alcohol on the table.

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