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*One month has passed*


NOTHING EVER came easily to Kendall. She always had to work for what she wanted. And for the most part, she didn't mind it. She liked working and she believed that hard work could get a person anywhere.

It made sense that she had these beliefs. She had been working hard all her life. In high school, she graduated as number fourteen of her class. That was how she was able to obtain scholarships and get accepted to every school she applied to. Even Ivy League schools had been sending her acceptance letters. But Kendall never liked to stray too far from home, which was why moving to Los Angeles was a big deal. However, Kendall settling in a new state seemed to be an even bigger deal to her mother than it was for her. Kendall could see why, though. She had been studying at GSU to become a doctor for two years. She was on track for a bright future, until she decided to pack up and leave just to chase some 'silly dream'— as her mother described it.

Kendall was a dreamer and an optimist. Her past experiences taught her to always see the good in everything and everyone.

Her mother always told her that it would be her downfall, but Kendall refused to believe it.

But now, Kendall was in Ryan's bed, staring at her laptop screen in disbelief. She almost didn't want to believe the words that were so clearly displayed across the bright screen. It had to be a trick. It had to be a sick joke. She covered her mouth with one hand as her eyes carefully read the letters of the email once more.

Dear, Ms. Morgan

Your YouTube channel has recently caught our attention here at Golden Shoes Records (GSR). We see outstanding potential in you. So, we would like for you to come in next week on Monday, March 25th.

We hope that GSR is able to make a lasting impression on you, Ms. Morgan.


                    The GSR Team

Although the email was short, sweet, and to the point, Kendall had to read it multiple times before she could understand what was happening. Did all of her phone calls and emails finally pay off? Or were they just contacting her to reject her in person?

A small squeal escaped her lips. This was finally happening. She was finally going to make her dreams a reality. But something inside her felt off. Nothing was ever easy for her.

Well, she thought, there's a first time for everything.

She brushed off her previous thoughts and picked up her phone, automatically dialing Phoenix's number. It was becoming a reflex for Kendall to tell Phoenix everything first, which hadn't made Ryan very happy. Maybe he had a right to be upset with Kendall for that. He was her boyfriend, after all. But Ryan wasn't back yet, and Kendall was dying to tell someone.

Phoenix picked up on the third ring. "Hey, Ken, what's up?"

"Oh my God, guess who just emailed me."

"Barack Obama?"

Kendall furrowed her brows. "What? No."

"Well, you did tell me to guess."

Kendall shook her head, clearing out Phoenix's previous words. "Golden Shoes Records just emailed me saying that they want me to come in on Monday."

Phoenix screamed through the phone, causing Kendall to pull her device away from her ear. "Holy shit, Kendall, that's amazing!" she exclaimed. "We have to celebrate tonight."

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