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Don't hate me.

From the very beginning I had Kendall's death planned out. I intended for her to pass away so that my depiction of an abusive relationship could be as realistic as possible because, unfortunately, in a lot of these situations, the victim doesn't make it out alive.

I knew that with Hollywood Heartthrob I wouldn't sugar coat things. My intention was to show you how Ryan's mind works, and how his actions affect Kendall. I also knew that I wanted this book to focus more on the mental and emotional aspects of abuse because they ARE real, yet they aren't talked about as much.

Prior to writing Hollywood Heartthrob, I did a lot of research on the topic of abuse to make sure I could write this book in the best way I could. I genuinely hope that I executed the story well and that I didn't offend anyone.

The warning signs for mental and emotional abuse aren't as apparent as the warning signs for physical abuse, so here are some videos so that you can be informed.

Like I said in the introduction chapter, the link to the National Domestic Violence Hotline is in my bio. Here's their number again:

+1 800-799-7233

If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, please do not hesitate to reach out, because the world is a much prettier place with you in it.

Lots of love,

Hollywood HeartthrobWhere stories live. Discover now