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Your Number

THE BELL above the coffee shop door dinged as it opened. Ryan entered the store, immediately smiling at the sight of Kendall making coffee. She was so focused on the bitter brown liquid that tricked into the glass carafe.

Ryan stopped in front of the counter and waited for Kendall to look up at him. When she did, she smiled.

"Welcome back," she said with a grin. "Literature and Lattes missed you while you were gone."

"Well, I had to see my favorite barista."

Kendall blushed. "You wanna hear a secret?" she whispered, motioning for Ryan to lean over the counter. "Half of the time, I don't even know what I'm doing."

Ryan laughed. "You seem like you do, though."

Kendall shook her head softly. "What can I get you?"

"A tall vanilla latte." Ryan shifted his gaze to the glass pastry display that sat on top of the counter. "And one of those chocolate croissants."

"Your total is eleven fifty-eight," Kendall said, opening the glass case and picking up a croissant with metal tongs. She placed the French pastry into a small, brown paper bag with the words "Literature and Lattes" written in fancy font across it.

Ryan paid and watched Kendall gingerly as she prepared his drink. She seemed too good to be true. She was just so... breathtaking.

How could someone be so beautiful?

Ryan concentrated on her lips. He longed to feel them against his once more. Her top lip was thin—but not too thin, and her bottom lip was full and visibly soft. Traces of her kiss tingled on his lips. Flashes from the night before danced in his mind. He could remember the way her fingers traced his muscular arms. He could remember her deep, lustful kiss. Ryan wanted Kendall more than anything, but she was worth the wait.

Soon, she would be his. They'd be completely, helplessly in love with each other. And Ryan had already been highly anticipating the day that Kendall would finally be his. Only his.

From the moment he laid eyes on Kendall, he could tell that she was his missing piece. Without her, life didn't seem to be worth the living. And Ryan wasn't sure how he went so long without knowing Kendall.

They were soulmates.

Ryan's suddenly pulled back from day dreaming when Kendall handed him his drink and croissant. In that moment, he realized something. "I never got your number," he said quietly, cautious of the other people in line overhearing.

"Well, maybe we should change that." Kendall pulled out a napkin from the napkin dispenser that sat near the register. She pulled out a pen from her apron pocket and began to write down a series of numbers. Once she finished, she clicked the pen shut as she handed the now folded napkin to Ryan.

Ryan smirked at the action. "See you soon."

"Have a nice day, Ryan."

Ryan existed the store and got into his car, unfolding the brown napkin. Kendall's number was neatly written on it. At the end of the numbers was a small, uneven heart.

Ryan grinned. He already knew he'd be keeping this napkin forever.

Visions of Kendall burned through Ryan's mind. He could feel the bulge in his pants grow as he speed-walked toward his trailer.

He needed a release. And he needed it fast.

He managed to wave awkwardly at his co-stars who were conversing outside of the trailer across from his. Ryan got into his trailer, quickly locking the door behind him. He rushed to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of lotion.

Ryan sat himself on the white leather couch, tossing his left shoe carelessly across the trailer. He removed his sock and unzipped his pants. Ryan pumped lotion into his palms and began his steady hand movements.

In his mind, he focused on an image of Kendall from last night. He focused on her slightly parted lips and the way her chest rose and fell that night. Ryan remembered the vibrant red of her bra and the way her breasts looked in it. He could almost hear her soft, shallow breathing. It was as if Kendall was sitting right next to him.

He wanted her. And he wanted her bad.

Ryan's hand motions became quicker as he groaned softly and hung his head back in rapture.


He could see her. He could almost feel what it would be like to finally copulate with her. Just imagining Kendall sent waves of pleasure over Ryan's body.

Ryan groaned once more as he grabbed his black sock and comes into it.

When he finally managed to compose himself, he picked up the thick script that sat on the glossy white coffee table. He then exited the trailer. While walking toward the hair and makeup trailer, Ryan's co-star Jade stopped him. Her deep brown eyes were overflowing with determination, but Ryan wasn't surprised. Jade had been pining after him since the first table read.

"Hey, I saw your interview last night," Jade said, her light Latina accent lacing her voice. Ryan nodded and continued to walk, Jade following a little too close for his liking.

"We're shooting the kiss scene today," Jade mentioned casually. She tossed her long, thick black hair over her shoulder.

Ryan nodded once more. "Yup."

Jade bit the inside of her cheek. "Would you maybe want to get a coffee with me later?" Jade questioned, stopping with Ryan in front of the hair and makeup trailer.

"Jade . . ." Ryan warned as if Jade were a child.

Jade mocked Ryan's tone. "Ryan . . ."

"You know I don't date my co-stars."

That and the fact that I don't find your desperation attractive.

"Tell me the truth." Jade tilted her head to the side and raised her brows. "Is it because of Mystery Girl?"

Ryan smirked as he stepped into the trailer. "It's because I like to keep things professional." He closed the door, cutting Jade off just as she began to open her mouth.

"Good morning, Martha," Ryan greeted with a smile as he sat in a black swivel chair.

Martha was a short woman in her late fifties. She was also the head of hair and makeup. Martha seemed to be the only person Ryan actually liked on set. Something about her reminded him of his grandmother.

Martha smiled back. "Morning, Ryan." She turned the chair so that Ryan was facing a mirror. As Martha began to do his hair, Ryan pulled out his phone and noticed a new notification.

New from Kendall Morgan
In My Blood- Shawn Mendes Cover

Ryan opened his phone and selected a number from the overwhelmingly long list of contacts. He really didn't want to call her, but for Kendall, he would. The line rang three times until a woman picked up.

"What the hell do you want, Ryan?"

"Nice to hear from you too, Claire," Ryan deadpanned.

"Hurry up. I'm in the recording studio."

Ryan sighed. "Look, I know things didn't end well between us, but I need a favor."


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