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More Than You Know

AT THE moment, getting Kendall to forgive him seemed to be the only thing that mattered to Ryan. Kendall was the only person that was important to him, aside from his mother.

Ryan had a rough childhood. He was an angry and explosive kid, but it wasn't his fault. He didn't realize that he was becoming the mirror image of his dead beat-father, and that was the last thing he wanted. The only reason why he became an actor was that he wanted to provide things for his mother that his father couldn't afford. But sometimes his father would use the money that Ryan made as a kid for his own selfish needs. He was an angry drunk and a drug addict. And when he got angry, he'd often take it out on Ryan's mother.

Ryan had vowed to be better than his father, but he was never good at keeping promises. Two nights ago, Ryan saw a little bit of his father in himself. But Kendall seemed to dull Ryan's constant anger at the world. However, when other things got in the way of their relationship, Ryan would lose control.

He needed her.

He needed her to be his, and only his. And he would do anything to make that happen.

Taking a deep breath, Ryan pulled open the coffee shop's glass door and walked in. He immediately spotted Kendall at the register, talking to a woman who looked like she was in her late sixties. She was so immersed in the conversation that she hadn't noticed when Ryan entered.

Kendall said goodbye to the woman with a smile, but her cheery expression faltered when she saw Ryan. Her shock faded just as quickly as it came.

"Welcome to Literature and Lattes. What can I get for you?"


"Don't what?"

"Don't act like we're strangers," Ryan clarified.

Kendall sighed. "Fine. How's your hand been doing since you decided to break glass with it?"

She was playing hard to get, and it was obvious. Ryan knew that Kendall couldn't stay angry forever. He just had to find the right words to make her forgive him, and words were an easy thing for Ryan to use. It was all in his tone of voice and facial expressions that could convince people to give him what he wanted.

Acting had taught Ryan a lot, but with Kendall, he didn't have to act. He truly believed that Kendall was good for him, and he was good for Kendall.

Looking down at his bandaged hand, Ryan laughed dryly. "My hand is fine, but I wish we could be. Take your break right now. Just give me five minutes."

The way Ryan looked at Kendall made her heart squeeze. No matter how desperately she tried not to, she finds herself drowning in Ryan's intense gaze. Although they were brown, Ryan's eyes really were beautiful. They closely resembled the color of the coffee that brewed in the coffee shop daily.

Kendall didn't even feel herself move from behind the counter, nor did she feel herself clock out. But now she was with Ryan, standing outside of the small coffee shop. Not a single cloud resided in the sky, and all Ryan could think of was how delicately beautiful Kendall looked in the sunlight. It was as if she were a glittering gem, and Ryan wanted nothing more than to keep her tucked away with him forever. 

As she turned to face Ryan, Kendall crossed her arms. "Say what you need to say."

"I'm sorry," Ryan began. "It's just that, since I was a kid, I'd always get angry easily. I was worried because you didn't answer any of my calls or texts, and when I saw you talking to that bartender it set me off."

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