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"Hello, you're speaking with Macy from Heartache Hotline. How may I cure you today?"


"Ollie? Are you okay?" I ask, listening to him sigh.

"It's just been a bad day."

"Damn, that sucks. How has it been bad?"

"No particular reason I guess, just everything is bringing me down today."

"Aw, maybe try doing something that makes you happy? A hobby you like?"

"I don't know. Nothing really interests me at the moment."

The defeat in his voice makes me frown sadly, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay, you're a good distraction."

When he says that, I'm not sure whether or not I should feel insulted. "That's... Good. I'm glad I could help in some way."

"You help a lot. More than you know."

Well, time for a subject change. "Do you have any plans for today?"

"Other than wallowing in self pity? Hmm, maybe go for a run to blow off some steam but that's about it. Although, I think my sister wants me to take her to the movies."

My nose wrinkles up, "Cute - not the running because ew, but your little sister, how old is she?"

"Isabelle's eleven, turning twelve in a week. Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope, I'm an only child. I always wanted my parents to have more children but my mum can't have any more kids."

"Oh, I'm sorry. That sucks but honestly it's not all it's cracked up to be. Izzy constantly annoys me."

"Yeah but at least you have someone to share your childhood with and look after."

"That's true, I wouldn't wish it any other way. I love my sister - just don't tell her that."



This is a two-part update so please make sure you read both updates. The next chapter will be posted soon, so stay tuned ❤💎

Also PLEASE comment or vote, I will be choosing random people who do so and dedicating chapters to them! 🤗

Oh and thank you SOOOOOO much for OVER 250 READS AHHHHHHH 😭😍 You guys are the best!

- Chloe x

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