Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe

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|Blue's POV|

I'm back in Cali from my shows on the East Coast. I had 3 back to back in NYC, and 2 in Philly. In between my classes, I'm still choreographing and making time for Papi, of course. Today was my one day off and I was heading to the spa with North.

I was applying my lip gloss when she texted telling me she was outside. I rushed down the stairs and was almost out the door when my dad stopped me.

"Where you going?"

I turned to him and said, "To the spa with North. I'll be back later on.

I went over and kissed his cheek, which made him smile.

"Later Lefty."

"Bye daddy."

When I got the car with North, we did our handshake and she kept smirking at me while she drove. Something was up.

"Ok. What?"

She laughed, "I didn't say anything."

I rolled my eyes, "Bitch, what do you know?"

We stopped at a red light and she pulled up a video on her phone that was currently all over the tabloids.

I filmed this video when I did a class in Cali before I left for tour. Man, I know Rihmeek saw this shit. He doesn't say anything about me dancing because he knows it's just that. This right here though might rub him the wrong way. I mean dudes face is right at my pussy when I did a headstand.

I placed her phone down and could only shake my head. She started to laugh.

"I guess Meek didn't call you yet huh?" she asked.

There's a number of reasons as to why he didn't call. One, he could be so mad he doesn't want to talk. Two, he might not have seen it, which I doubt. Three, he's not tripping off it. Yeah I doubt that too.

Just as I was about to answer her my phone went off. I saw that it was Papi calling and I acted as if I didn't see it. North kept laughing as she drove.

"Girl, you better answer that call and face the music."

He FaceTime'd me this time and I put my headphones in and answered.

"Where you at?" he asked as soon as he saw my face.

I scrunched up my face and rolled my eyes. I was not appreciating his tone.

"Um, hello to you too. I'm on my way to the spa with North which I told you about days ago."

He didn't say anything for a minute then cleared his throat. I guess he was choosing his words wisely. For his sake, I hope he was.

"We need to talk so I'll be picking you up from the spa."

Just like that, the call ended. All I could do was stare at the phone like this dude really lost his mind.

As I came back to reality, I saw North out of the corner of my eye trying not to laugh.

"Bitch, shut the fuck up," I said trying to keep in my laughter.

Regardless of how our schedules us not hanging around each other as much, when we do, it's never a dull moment between North and I. We got each other's backs forever. She's always fam. No matter what.

We arrived to the spa a few minutes later and valet went to park North's car. I wasn't even thinking about my convo with Papi or the video that's all over TMZ.

If I were anyone else, this video would be sexy, but since I'm me? Yeah, you get the point. To make matters worse, I can only think of my dad's reaction when he sees this. He misses nothing when it comes to his children. I know he is going to have something to say about this too.

Our spa day went great and my phone was on airplane mode. I was on cloud 9 after my massage and facial. I was ready to go home and take a nap. I don't know what Papi thought this was, but no one is messing up my off day.

As we headed out, I saw Papi's car across the street. We made eye contact and he got out of his car. North went around to the drivers side and her Papi exchanged greetings before she got in. 

Papi gave me a hug, kissed me, and grabbed my ass as he always did when he saw me.

"What do you want Papi?" I asked.

He looked at me trying to figure out who I was talking to, but clearly he doesn't know me. I don't care who you are, you come out of your body with me, I'm giving back that same energy.

"What's with the attitude," he countered holding me at arms length.

All I could do was roll my eyes. How dumb can guys be? They catch bitch fits and then act like nothing happened. Yeah, right.

I shrugged him off and responded, "Look, I'm spending time with North right now. I don't feel like talking about what you saw or what you think you saw. Not today Papi. You really trying to fuck with my mood and that's not about to happen."

I left him there and got in the car and North already knew nothing needed to be said. She pulled off and that was that.

We headed to lunch which was amazing as always. North is a foodie and knows all the spots. She dropped me back home and I was officially ready for my nap. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to my room unnoticed.

"Wassup Blue," Jr. said coming down the stairs.

"Hey, where you headed," I asked as he was fully dressed with keys in his hand.

"Going to go hang with a friend of mine," he replied winking at me.

I already knew he was going to some girls house.

"Bag it bro," I said rolling my eyes and continued up the stairs.

I heard him laughing in the background and the front door close.

Once I made it into my room, I showered, and changed. Just as I was about to drift off into dreamland, my door opened. You have got to be kidding me.

"Blue, I know you're not sleep. Get up and come in my office. Now!"

I knew that calm, eerie voice anywhere. Yup, my dad saw the video and this convo could go left real fast. Hopefully my mom is here to be the middleman. Damn you TMZ for ruining my off day.

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