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First my parents, now Rihmeek. What's with the piss Blue off days? You damn right I left his ass outside. Who is he to talk to me like that. Is he my father? Wait, then again, I haven't been listening to him either. Now that I think about it, my tone was uncalled for and my father didn't deserve that.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I entered the house and saw my parents standing there.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I entered the house and saw my parents standing there

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"Come," my mom said turning on her heels.

I followed her and my dad followed behind me. We entered the living room once again. My parents sat in their usual seats and my mom motioned for me to sit.

"What the hell was that Blue?" she questioned getting right to the point.

Man, if anyone knows anything about my mom, she doesn't play with anyone disrespecting her husband.

I sighed, "Mommy, I didn't mean any disrespect?"

My dad cut in, "You didn't mean any disrespect? You sat there and told me you don't need our permission. If that's the case, why you ask for it? I don't know what's going on with you Blue, but you're testing my patience. It takes a lot to piss me off, but you pushed me there today."

"On top of that," my mom added, "You did it  in front of your boyfriend no less. Now Rihmeek is a nice young man, but you are real lucky he didn't see me smack the shit out of you, which I'm still tempted to do.  The nerve of you Blue."

Just when I was about to say something my dad held his hand up.

"I don't know where you get off disrespecting me, but I guarantee you it won't happen again. Get up."

Wait, what. Get up and go where?

"Um dad, w-what's going on?" I asked.

He yanked me off the couch and started whooping my ass like I was a little kid. Woah, I did not see that coming. My mom just sat there like it was nothing. They set me up.

"Dad-daddy please stop. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry daddy," I cried out.

He stopped after a few more hits and sat me back on the couch. I silently cried still trying to take in what the hell just happened. My mom whooping my ass, yeah, it's happened. My dad though, well they say it's always a first for everything.

"Blue, look at me," my mom said in a soft voice.

I looked up at her with tears in my eyes and looked over to see my dad no longer angry, but hurt. I hate fighting with my dad.

"I'm sorry daddy," I said again.

He nodded his head and opened his arms. I gingerly sat on his lap and cuddled in his embrace.

"You know you deserved that. I could care less how old you are, or how grown you think you are. You disrespect me, there's consequences. I let you slide entirely too much Blue. That was the only way to snap ya ass back into reality," he said.

"Be happy it wasn't me," my mom shrugged and got up off the couch.

"What did you guys do, flip a coin or something to see who was going to get me?" I asked looking into my dad's eyes.

He started laughing, yes the obnoxious one.

"Why you ask that?"

"I mean, by the look on your faces when I walked in, I knew I was in trouble. Usually mom gets me, never you."

"You and your brother are afraid of your mom. I'm sure the twins will be too."

We both laughed at that. It's true. Mommy was a true mama bear and would check you when need be.

"On some real shit, I needed to remind you that she's not the only one in charge. I am your father Blue, and I demand nothing but respect. Understand me? Let it happen again, and you won't just get me, your mom will add to it,"" he said.

I shuddered at the thought. I mean from the ass whooping I got, having a Beyonce beat down on top of that would be even worse. Nah, I'm good.

"I hear you loud and clear daddy," I replied.

We sat in a comfortable silence before he spoke again, "Where's Rihmeek?"

Oh shit, I really forgot I had snapped on him too.

I broke out of my dads embrace and stood up.

"I told him to go home. He told me I needed to check myself basically and that he was leaving. I told him to see himself out," I answered.

My dad stood up off the couch and shook his head. I'm pretty sure he's had enough of my antics for one day.

"Looks like you have some apologizing to do."

He kissed my forehead and went in the direction of wherever my mom and the twins were. I was about to give Rihmeek a call when I heard talking and laughing coming from the entrance of the house. It got closer and I looked up to see my brother and Rihmeek standing in the doorway.

"Hey Blueberry," Jr. said.

The gorgeous smile that was on Papi's face vanished once he saw me. I guess he's still mad.

"Hey Jr.," I replied.

He looked between the two of us. He smirked knowing I did something to piss Papi off. Typical little brother, likes to see me get in trouble.

"Welp, I'm gonna go shower and shit. Thank for coming to the game bro. We'll have to get a 1 on 1 next time," Jr. said dapping up Rihmeek.

He nodded his head, "No problem young boul. The next weekend I'm in town, we'll set something up."

Jr. smirked at me again before mouthing to me, "Good luck."

I shooed him away and off he went to his room. Papi walked into the room, yoked me up off the couch and grabbed my ass, sticking his tongue in my mouth. As much as that shit hurt, I was more turned on by the kiss. I was getting into it when he broke away and smacked me 3 times hard on my ass.

"Rihmeek!" I yelled and tried to push him off me.

He had a strong grip and wouldn't let me go.

"What was that shit you was talking earlier?" he asked in a low voice.

"Babe, come on, my ass already hurts. I got into it with my dad. You were right ok, you were right," I said trying to get out of his grasp.

Still he didn't let go. He stared into my eyes a few more minutes before sitting down and pulling me on his lap.

"What ya dad do to you?" he asked with a sly grin.

I rolled my eyes at him which made him slap my thigh.

"Stop hitting me Rihmeek."

"Answer my question without any attitude," he replied.

"He whooped my ass. I came in the house, we talked, he whooped my ass. That's what happened. You hitting me didn't make it any better," I said.

He shrugged and shifted me on his lap, which took a little pressure off the pain in my ass.

"You deserved it," he replied.

He pointed to the TV. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. At least he came back to see me. I'm not a fan of his approach, but I'm happy to be wrapped up in his arms after a long day. I could get used to this. His presence that is, not the other shit.

Teenage BluesWhere stories live. Discover now