All Mine

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|Rihmeek's POV|

I had just touched down back in Jersey and I was on my way to my dads house to chop it up with him, especially about the situation that happened with Rem and Blue. So y'all probably wondering, what the hell am I hiding. Not a damn thing. Rem is someone I linked up with when I first started college and we worked on a couple projects together. She used to go with my boy that's a photographer. He'd shoot, she'd style.

When I found out she was in Cali, I hit her up knowing she'd put some dope shit together for Blue. That's all I was thinking about, my girl looking fly. That shit went left when she pressed Blue. My baby is far from a thug, but she ain't no push over either. I had to check Rem to show respect for my relationship. Her pulling shit like that will fuck up any business she has in the future. It's your profession, so keep it professional.

I grabbed some food not knowing if my dad would have anything in the crib or not. If the chef ain't supply, he didn't buy. Granted the chef was there 3-4 days out of the week. I decided to get Panera. It wasn't his favorite spot, but he'd eat what I bought. Shit, if he ain't want it I'd eat it then.

"Hi welcome to Panera, my name is Lalaini, how may I help you?"

See this is why I order shit ahead of time so I can dodge all this excessive flirting. I ordered my food and gave her the money. When she handed me the buzzer to  alert me of my order, she grabbed my hand.

"You're really handsome. Mind if I get your name?"

I shook my head at her. Was she serious?

"My name is on the receipt ma. I appreciate the compliment though, my girl tells me that on the daily. Good looks."

My mom didn't raise me to dog out females. If I'm with you, I'm with you and checking for no one but you. My dad told me as soon as I was 16 that he didn't want to see my name all over some tabloid of me knocking some chick up or hopping from girl to girl. Keep it low key. I mean, there's nothing low key about dating Blue Ivy Carter. I'm rolling with the punches.

It didn't take long for the food to be ready and off to my dads house I went. I knew he was home because his main car was parked out front. He was around here somewhere. Before I entered the house, my phone started to go off. I check to see that my baby posted a picture on Instagram. I already know how she is, I'm afraid to look at it.

 I already know how she is, I'm afraid to look at it

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There she was, as beautiful as ever. Damn it kills me we're not on vacation together. I'll patiently wait for that one on one time. After staring at the picture for what seemed like forever, I decided to go find my dad and bother him.

I entered the house and immediately yelled for my pops. "Dad, where you at?!"

"Outside boul. Don't be yelling my name like that."

I had to laugh. As loud as my dad was, he hated when there was yelling in the house. I grabbed a bottle of water and went outside to find him by his bikes. A lot of rappers collected cars and my dad had his fair share. Still, they didn't come close to his love for his banshees. I remember when he got me one for my 16th birthday and upgraded it for my 18th. My 21st is right around the corner, I know he gon do it big.

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