We Gon Be Alright

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|Blue's POV|

Walking into the house and hearing my dad say my brother was in the hospital and that there was an accident felt like a punch in the gut. I broke down in both my parents arms crying my eyes out.

"Blue, Blue, listen to me Lefty. We need you to watch the twins so we can go to the hospital."

"O-o-k. Can Rihmeek come over so I won't be alone?"

"Yeah, he can. We'll keep you posted," my mom said giving me a kiss on my cheek.

I left their embrace and went to call Papi. He answered after a few rings.

Hey baby. I'm almost to the hotel.


Baby, what's wrong.

Jr. was in an accident. He's in the hospital.


C-can you come back and stay with me. My parents said it's okay. They're about to leave.

Yeah baby. I'm on my way. Hang tight.


I love you Blue.

Love you too. Drive safe.

I got you.

I went back towards the living room to see my parents were ready to leave.

"He's on his way. Please call me as soon as you find out what's going on."

"We will Lefty. Love you."

"Love you both more. Be safe."

It didn't take long for Papi to get back to my house. Once I opened the door and he came in, I broke down in his arms.

"It's okay baby. I got you. Everything is going to be okay."

He held me tighter as I cried. We stood there in the entryway. Nothing else could be heard but my sobs. Once I had calmed down, he led me to the living room. I took a quick glance at the monitor to see that the twins were still sleeping.

"Let me go check on them," I said, breaking out of his embrace.

Going up to their room, I picked Sir up and took him downstairs, handing him to Papi. I then went back up to get Rumi. I wanted them close to me right now. Rumi was knocked out, but Sir started to get fussy. I switched with Papi. Rumi moved around a little bit before getting comfortable. I held Sir closer and started to sing.

Flashing by
It's a beautiful state we're in
But how can we love in isolation?
Think how happy we can be
When we just try
We're nothing like we seem
Passion in words are never spoken
You don't know how I bleed
When I leave your side
In your eyes
Love's alive
We've come untied
'Cause we're flashing by
Like satellites

He had calmed down and was sound asleep in my arms. I looked over at Papi to see him smiling at me.

"A little birdie told me you could sing."

"I can do a little something something."

"That's more than a little something something baby. You have a beautiful voice. Real shit."

"Thank you."

He got up and laid Rumi in the bassinet that was in the living room. Then took Sir from me and did the same. He came back and sat next to me, pulling me to his side and turning on the TV. I was on my phone, lost. I didn't want to blow up my parents phone. I knew my mom would call me as soon as she knew something.

Teenage BluesWhere stories live. Discover now