Don't Mess With My Man

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I've officially been cleared by my doctor and I could not be happier to be back doing what I love, dancing. I jumped right back into my routine and while my parents and Papi are always in my ear telling me to slow down, I have some catching up to do.

First up, before I even get back to my classes, is a much needed vacay. Yeah, my parents are not too keen on the idea of a Baecation which they shut down fast. Well, my mom did.

"Hey mom, did you and dad ever decide on vacation?"

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"Hey mom, did you and dad ever decide on vacation?"

"You can go with us and have a family vacay or  have a girls trip. It'll be me, your aunts, and you can bring whoever. As for that Bae whatever, that's a no."

"But mom...."

She held her hand up and stopped me, "I said no. You're 18, Rihmeek is going on 21. Putting age aside, we don't feel comfortable with you guys going out of town, let alone the country, alone. Nothing against him, we just ain't going for it. So like I just said, the answer is no."

I rolled my eyes and was about to walk out the kitchen when my mom grabbed the bottom of my shirt pulling me back to her.

"Cut the bullshit Blue. The last time you did this shit your father whooped your ass. You don't want to go toe to toe with me baby. Now, I gave you two options, now which will it be?" she asked.

I mumbled, "Girls trip."

She gave me a look which I knew meant to drop the attitude or get dropped.

"Want to try that again?"

"I choose the girls trip," I said louder.

She smiled at me and let my shirt go. Really mom?

"Good. I already arranged it with your aunts. We'll be leaving this weekend," she said like it was nothing.

"How did you know I'd say yes?" I asked.

She patted my face.

"You're my child, you'll never say no to a vacation. Plus, I figured you'd prefer all girls versus the whole family right now. Especially since we're going to Turks and Caicos."

I couldn't help but smile back. This girls trip wouldn't be so bad after all.

"How long are we staying?"

"A week," she replied and went on her merry way.

Here I am packing. It's always fun hanging with my mom and aunts; especially my auntie Solo. I decided for us to just go because the only other person I wanted couldn't. Yeah, I'm head over heels. Bite me.

Papi decided to come see me before I left, so we're going shopping and then who knows. I had just finished getting dressed when I heard my dads voice.

Teenage BluesWhere stories live. Discover now