Chapter two

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When I got home the house was empty. But that wasn't anything new considering I lived alone.
I had chosen to buy my own apartment with the generous donation that the gods gave me. It was to last me a year of luxury before running out, but the rate I was going it was going to last quite a while.

Picking up the phone I pressed in my moms number.

" mom ... I GOT THE JOB" i shouted. I could hear her squeal at the other side of the phone and shout Paul over.

" oh honey. I knew you would. I'm so proud" she beamed. This was what she always wanted for me. A normal life.

" hey mum is it okay if you come to mine tomorrow after my first day for dinner." I asked nervously.

" if corse perce. Don't burn it"

Sighing I put down the phone a smile on my face. Slipping my hand in my pocket I pulled out riptide.
This sword was with me all the way. This sword, was the thing that kept me alive. This sword allowed to me to live the life that my mum wanted because with out it I wouldn't be here now living a normal life.

I once again needed to make a call. This time though not by phone but IM.

Pulling out a dracama I created a rainbow with my new found water powers and threw it in.

" felicity do me a solid and show me annabeth chase, Olympus" I said.
Me and Annabeth weren't together anymore. After the battle with gea we decided we needed time and that we only got together in the spur of the moment that was our life.
We were still best friends, closer than before Tartarus.

" ANABETH" I shouted her head whipped around her princess curls hitting her face with her dagger practically appearing out of thin air and into her hand.

She was in Olympus, redesigning the whole thing. It was beautiful honestly.

" oh perce it's you" she sighed putting away her dagger. " what do you want I'm sorta busy"

" I got the job annabeth" I beamed. She looked shocked before smiling happily at me.

" I told you, you could do it perc" she laughed before turning around to her maps.

" I'm going to have to go, call you back when u have the chance." She said swiping her hand through the mist.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Once again it's short but oh well it was just a filler. Next chapter he will go to work and in a few more chapters avengers assemble will being.

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