Chapter eleven

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This is from memory

I stared as Loki stood up tall in his cell, a smug smile on his face. Gods how I wanted to wipe it off.

" incase it's unclear, if you try to escape, or so much leave a scratch on that glass. Thirty thousand feet, straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works !?" Fury stayed looking at Loki emotionless.

"Ant. Boot" he continues pointing at a button that would ultimately drop Loki and then back to him self.

I couldn't help but role my eyes. Had these people not dealt with gods before ? Actually ignore me. There mortals I can't expect them to have.

" an impressive cage don't you think ? Not built for me though" Loki drawled a smirk on his lips.

" built for somthing a lot stronger than you" fury replied not much reacting to Loki's tormenting.

" oh so I've heard" Loki began turning to look at a camera that the avengers we're watching from

"The mindless beast, makes play he's still a man. How desperate are you, that you call upon such lost creatures to defend you?" Loki smirked sending a mental jab towards me and Bruce banner. This irked fury.

" how desperate am I ? You threaten my world with war , you steal a force you can not hope to control. You talk about peace but all you do is kill." Fury ranted taking a small break before continuing. "You have made me very desperate and you might not be glad you did. "

" Ooh. It burns you to come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is " Loki chuckled sinisterly.

" Well, you let me know if Real Power wants a magazine or something" fury smirks leaving me and Loki In a room together.

" Perseus jackson .... a legend among legends. Why are you associating your self with such petty mortals ?" Loki asked smugly.

" back the fuck up. My mums a mortal" I exclaimed pointing a finger at Loki.

" Loki I've came to warn you, hurt any of the avengers I will kill you, no matter if you have an army. Except maybe stark, you can hurt him if you want. " I stated my voice dropping to a whisper before I left the room on a hunt to find the avengers.

I walked into the briefing room after a few minutes of a game I like to call "hunting the avengers down because they managed to disappear to somewhere ".

" ahh Jackson, how nice of you to join us" grinned Tony clamping his hand on my shoulder.

" starting to wish I hadn't" I groaned roughly ripping my self away from the play boy .... we'll play man, scratch that he was just a dick head that didn't deserve titles

" Percy, care to explain how you learnt to fight like a bloody Spartan" questioned Natasha. " I mean I knew you were good when we fought but that was something different"

"Uh well you see ... I had blue berry wheatabix this morning " I stuttered out before realising how stupid I sounded.

" ... and I thought I made shitty excuses" stark laughed shoving my shoulder as he walked past.

" sooo Thor whats Loki's plan" I asked averting the topic completely.

" he has an army called Chitauri there not from Asgard or any world known he means to lead them against you people for what I suspect is the tesseract" Thor said.

" wait a damn minute. What the hades is a tesseract" I asked confused. Had I been living under a rock or something? Wait, I've probably just forgotten about it or something.
The team ignored me anyway because their rude and entitled.

" an army. From out of space" Steve questioned sceptically.

" no pop tarts from the super market. Ofcorse there aliens" I snapped getting a bit aggy from the long day. " you know what if you guys are going to ignore me I'm going to sleep"

I slumped down onto the chair, closing my eyes and steadily dozing off. It was silly I know but gods I was tired ... to tired to function.

of corse when I woke up everything had went to hades and I was pretty sure we were under attack. How fun.

So I have no wifi so it's over all difficult for me to update and I'm in such a bad mood because I tried to find the first avengers movie online to write this because I can't watch it off my dvd and i got a virus and it's reflecting on Percy's moo...

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So I have no wifi so it's over all difficult for me to update and I'm in such a bad mood because I tried to find the first avengers movie online to write this because I can't watch it off my dvd and i got a virus and it's reflecting on Percy's mood in this chapter. Sorry.

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