Chapter five

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I was fuming. Why couldn't Tony leave me alone.
Swear on the river synx that his soul purpose to get me killed in action.

Anyway, back to why was happening. I was currently chilling on a massive floating grey thing in the middle of the ocean while stark fûcks off somewhere that even the gods don't know.

According to phill me being here was breaking multiple protocols and that the only reason I was here was so Tony would come.

I was stuck in a plain grey room with a large mirror on the wall, just a glass of water , snack and you guessed it. Nothing else.

I was so bored that tapping my fingers against the desk was the only way to release my energy.
I could feel my self slowly get agitated with the lack of movement I was doing and decided to just move.

Standing up, I pushed the chair across the room knocking into the wall and basically just walked out the boring room ready to explore.

Now I know that I'm going against everything that phill told me not to do which was leave the room but me being adhd kinda made it difficult and I'm not known for being the most patient person in the world.

" hey kid. What are you doing here" someone shouted from behind me. I froze.

" uhhh. Hi I'm so sorry but I've lost my mum and i can't find her" I rambled my face turning redder and redder.

" yeah, I'm finding that hard to believe. Come with me" they scoffed grabbing the scruff of my collar and pulling me out onto the main deck.

People were rushing around everywhere, loading planes with cargo and shouting at each other. As I was being pulled into the middle deck the massive floating grey thing I was began to float into the sky. I couldn't help but latch onto the person who brought me out onto the deck in the first place.

" get off kid" the man groaned pushing me off making me stand up straight and attempt to get some sort of composure going.

" holy shit it's flying" I yelped causing to men and a woman to look at me oddly.

One of the men was tall, brooding and all over seemed like he had a stick up his ass. He had neat blond hair and funnily enough had an aura of a war hero.

The man next to him on the other hand was the complete opposite. He had dark messy hair, he acted quite timid but by closer inspection it began to look like he was more afraid of something.

Now the woman. She was a completely different story compared to the men. She stood tall and firm, had an aura of power around her and over all seemed impossible to read. Except, I could read her.

" agent Romanoff I found this kid snooping around inside. I'm not sure if he's part of the initiative or what but I think it's best to hand him over to you" the man who had brought me out Stated trying to throw me towards the woman but it was safe to say I was not budging against my own will

"I have legs ass hole" I spat. He seemed okay before, but Gods help me he was pissing me off.

The man seemed flustered before walking off with a red tinge on his face.

" state your name and business." The woman who I gathered was agent Romanoff however that was a big mouthful and I wasn't going to try to pronounce it for the life of me so I'll just call her agent R.

"Perseus Jackson. I'm here because stark is an ass hat and forced me to come" I spat a glare resting on my face.

" wait your the kid who phill was talking about ? Didn't he say you were staying in a room for the time being" agent R questioned.

" I'm sorry no was in hades am I sitting in a room with nothing to do for hours." I protested.

" come with me kid" the agent sighed walking back into the inside and back to the original grey boring room I was in before, pushing me in and locking it.

" no no no no no why do they get to go out but I'm stuck in here. I bet I could take Loki one with my eyes closed." I yelled placing my face next to the glass panel on the door.

The agent had a look on her face before unlocking the door and grabbing the back of my jacket before pulling me to another room with a gym in it.

" come close to beating me and I will talk to the director on letting you in to the mission" she smirked confidently. Clearly she didn't believe I had a chance but I thought otherwise. I didn't fight monsters for a living just to be beat by a mortal.
Should I get Percy with Natasha or make that more of a sister brother role ? Also should I make Natasha like a descendent of ares ? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️

------------Should I get Percy with Natasha or make that more of a sister brother role ? Also should I make Natasha like a descendent of ares ? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Omg I actually updated. I'm shocked.

Okay no the amount of effort I had to do to just watch the film was unnecessary and now I am writing this when I still have 2 geography mocks to revise for instead of revising ?

Ya gals dumb af

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