Chapter four

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It had been 5 months since I got the job at stark towers and it was the worst thing that I had ever done. I hated it so much, but it payed good money and getting to see all the technology I was deprived from when I was younger was fascinating.

I was currently acting as a butler for miss pots and Tony date night, I was being payed extra so I didn't complain at all, also I had nothing better to do.

" air the telephone, my security protocol is being over written" stated Tony's AI Jarvis.

" there's an urgent problem" said a voice on Tony's phone.

" then leave a message urgently" scoffed Tony.

However the elevator opened and a man came out.

" this security breach is on you" Tony said to no one.

" mr stark"

" phil !, come in" smiled pepper adjusting her self to look at this Phil guy.

"Phil ? Uh his first name is agent" said Tony pointing his finger at Phil.

" come in we're celebrating"

" which is why he can't stay" complained Tony.

" we need you to look over this as soon as possible" Stated Phil handing a folder to Tony.

" I don't like being handed things" Tony gestured. Gods he's such a dick head.

" luckily for you mr stark It's my job to be handed things" I cutted in snatching the folder and shoving it into Tony's chest.

" official consulting hours are between 8 and 5 every other Thursday" Tony said glaring at me as I smirked back to him.

" this isn't a consultation" Stated phill swishing champagne around a glass pepper passed him.

" is this about the avengers ? Which I know nothing about" pepper asked quickly covering her mistake.

" the avengers initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify." Droned Tony.

" oh for gods sake, shut up" i muttered under my breath. Swear down that idiots voice gave me a head ache every time I heard it.

I guess I'm being a bit sly but he just pisses me off. You know them kids in school who you don't talk to but some how they manage to infuriate you ? Well Tony's that kid and he's angered me so much I could punch him.

" I didn't know that either" chuckled pepper smiling slightly.

" yeah apparently in volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others" continued stark.

" apparently" I scoffed.

" pepper. Why did we even hire him" asked Tony jabbing his finger to me.

" because my resume was amazing and I'm the only assistant besides pepper who has stuck with your egotistical ass for a long period of time making me useful. Also I know a lot about this business that could possibly ruin it making it pretty difficult to fire me ?" I questioned sarcastically earning a nod of pepper.

" this isn't about personality profiles anymore." Stated phill a small smile on his face.

" whatever. Ms Potts, got a second ?" Asked Tony signalling the red head over.

" one mo" she whispered running over to Tony leaving me standing awkwardly with phill.
Tony and pepper continued to chatter to each other before he looked towards me and phill.

" I'll come ... if the kid comes with me" he grinned leaving me flabbergasted my mouth gaping wide.

" why's it always me"
Super short and super shít but oh well it's something 😗✌🏻

" why's it always me" ------------Super short and super shít but oh well it's something 😗✌🏻

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