⊶ Chapter One ⊷

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A/N- Well this is a lot longer than I meant it to be! Anywho~ Welcome to Chapter 1 of 'Keep Quiet' This is my first piece of writing so advice is welcomed! I'll try and keep later chapters shorter but I got slightly carried away here ^^; I just want to tell you all so much!  Hope you enjoy! See ya in the next chapter~


It was a rather depressing late afternoon, the rain had pelted against the window panes of the quaint little cafe for well over an hour. Your shift was soon to come to a close, it had been a quiet day. Guess no one really wanted to come out in this dreadful weather. Only a few people lingered around the homely cafe, one of them happened to be your friend. Hunched over at one of the tables Beth furiously scribbled down in a notebook, research papers scattered across the table, an empty coffee cup left abandoned.

The bell on the door rung throughout the quiet atmosphere, looking over to the door a figure walked in. Completely soaked through, holding a broken umbrella. Recognising them immediately you let out a small laugh, it was Kaiden. He was Beth's soulmate, they had a met a few months back and seem to be inseparable. Guess it was just a soulmate thing.

You hadn't found your soulmate yet, you didn't really intend to. Frankly, you didn't like the appeal of being tied down to one person for the rest of your life. You wanted to make your own choices on who you love and when you settle down. However, fate seemed to have other plans. Soulmates were a curious thing, someone made for you. Someone to stick by you and love you for all eternity, that's if you found them. It used to be uncommon to find your soulmate, you were to be considered lucky if you found them. But as technology progressed and connected people from all around the world soulmates were now easier to find than ever before.

Was it really worth the hassle to find your soulmate? Your mother had always said all that was really different about soulmates was that when you touched 'sparks seemed to fly' they didn't always understand you like they were supposed to. Fate sometimes made mistakes, not all soulmates got along like they were supposed to. Your parents didn't get along very well, maybe that's why you didn't want to meet your soulmate. It wasn't worth the work.

"Hey Kaiden," You greeted as he came over to the counter, "Terrible weather, huh?"

Kaiden just rolled his eyes, "Haha. very funny. That brolly didn't even last ten minutes..."

"You can always buy a new one, now what can I get' ya?"

"Just the usual, thanks (Y/N)"

"Coming right up, try and make space at Beth's table- she's been slaving away for hours." Kaiden smiled and nodded leaving you to do your job. Grabbing one of the white ceramic cups you got to work making the cappuccino. Beth and Kaiden always came by the cafe, usually, you would walk back to campus with them. Kaiden actually lived in an apartment off-campus but he always walked Beth back, he was head over heels in love with the strawberry blonde. Typical soulmates, it did make you smile seeing Beth so happy. You had been friends with each other for as long as you can remember and you don't think you've ever seen her happier than when she was with Kaiden. You were happy for them. Watching the cup fill you got lost in your own thoughts, fingers tapping on the counter.

Being broken from your thoughts the bell chimed signalling someone else had wandered in, walking to the front counter to greet them you were startled to see a young man stumble into the cafe clutching his side. He seemed to be hurt. The man's words were frantic as he called to you, "Help me! Call the police! They are after me, they are trying to kill me!" All attention was on the frantic man, you froze up, purely out of shock. Luckily a man sitting at one of the small tables took out his phone contacting the authorities. Recovering from the shock you got out from behind the counter walking towards the man cautiously, "Sir?" His eyes were wide as he stared seemingly straight through you, he was disoriented. Reaching out you placed a hand on the man's shoulder, flinching he froze up, starting to ramble. What he said was incoherent, all you could make out was a distinct phrase. 'He's always watching.' Your grip on the man became more firm as you tried to lead him towards one of the chairs, he was wounded. He needed to sit down. "The cops will be here as soon as," The customer announced just now getting off the phone.

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now