⊶ Chapter Seventeen ⊷

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ight so ik made the whole 'not gonna have a mansion thing for the sake of not having too many people' statement. yeh well, we have five proxies anyway. efforts in vain. but ya know- there was too much ALPHA MALE™ energy and it needed to pipe down. welcome to exploring group relationships :)

there's also a really random reference to ppg in this- couldn't help myself.

see ya in the next chapter~


It was only right to be alarmed when you woke up somewhere unfamiliar, especially if you can't actually see said unfamiliar surroundings. What you could only assume was a sack currently shielded your vision. Feeling your heartbeat fasten you attempted to calm yourself. It would only make everything worse if you panicked. Alright... This wasn't that bad- Any form of calmness you had managed to collect vanished as soon as you became aware of the rope that kept you tied to what you assumed was a chair.

At least you weren't in a coffin this time.

Couldn't be as confident about the current corpse status, the smell of death hung in the air. Thick and making it even more difficult to breathe. The putrid smell burned at your nostrils and mouth. It made the decision to keep your mouth shut even easier. Staying as still as possible you tried to listen to your surroundings- proving to be rather difficult as your heartbeat seemed to get louder and louder every passing moment. There was water dripping, a broken pipe? As much as it sounded like you were alone there was a sinking feeling in your gut that you weren't.

A crack echoed around the room, it sounded like someone was cracking their neck..? Doesn't that hurt? Choosing not to speak you remained silent. Trying to figure out where the fuck you were. Suddenly the dead silence was broken by a scratching sound, something sharp being dragged rhythmically across what you assumed was a whetstone. Good to know they have to proper tools. Lucky you.

This did nothing to settle your nerves. God, you were going to die. This was it. Tied up and alone in some random presumably abandoned building. Well, it was fun while it lasted, you didn't achieve much but hey. You were here for a fun time not a long time... Well it hasn't been that fun recently...

Not the point.

This wasn't your ideal way to die- not even in your top ten.

Stopping your tears were pointless, you had a sack over your head anyway. As long as you muffled your cries. The quicker they noticed you were awake the quicker you would probably die, it was pointless trying to avoid the inevitable but hey, you've been doing it this long anyway. What's another hour? Maybe you could escape...? There was only one other person there to your knowledge. You could make a run for it... The wild desperation you felt might be enough to make you run faster.

Fidgeting you felt at the ropes binding your hands together behind your back. Your movements were slow, practically unnoticeable. The noises made by the person across from you seemed to drown out any noises made by your fidgeting. The rope was thick and tight. The more you fidgeted the more the ropes seemed to burn at your skin. Don't tell me you were getting rope burn...

For fuck's sake.

Maybe repeatably twisting your wrists wasn't exactly a good plan.

Trying to collect a coherent string of thoughts you tried to plan out your escape. Breakthrough the rope with sheer will power and sprint. Where exactly? No clue. Only thing is that you needed to get your legs untied as well. Suddenly muffled shouts could be heard. The sharpening stopped, you could hear something pop, a shoulder? Then a sigh and a small chuckle. Turns out they were curious of what was being said as well.

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now