f i v e - you guys are unbelievable

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it was a summer time, that summer high
oh, what a m a s t e r p i e c e. . .


Noah's P.O.V.

My best friend Liam handed me a new beer, icy cold and dripping wet from soaking in the cooler. I thanked him and cracked it open, taking a slow swig of the smooth liquid. "That's good," I commented after I pulled it away from my lips.

A few friends of mine, my brother and I had been inside Acacia's house, hanging around in the large hallway in between the kitchen and the living room. We were outside for awhile, but it got a little swamped with people so we decided to camp out inside. But it doesn't matter where I am because all I can think about is one thing.

Right when her face popped into my mind, it was like Liam read my thoughts.

He prodded me out of my hypnotic state with a tap on the arm. I lifted my eyes to see him jerking his head at something behind me.

"There's your girl."

I spun around instantly, my mouth falling open in concern. At first, my heart jolted in my chest at the mention of her. But when I saw who she was approaching, I furrowed my brows in pure confusion.

"What the hell? What's she doing?" I muttered, clenching tighter onto my can.

A natural smile played out on her face as she talked to the guy. His back was facing me on an angle, so all I could do was rely on her expressions. And from the looks of it, she was really enjoying her time with him. Knots of jealousy twisted in my stomach at her laughter, coming from whatever he was saying to her.

I angrily turned back to my friends. Empathetic looks were on all their faces, while Liam also had a tinge of uneasiness like me.

"Why is she talking to Brody Lambert?" I lowered my voice, snarling his name.

"Not sure, but he's bad news, dude," Liam spoke up in a cautious tone. "You might want to drift her away from him, or she could get into some deep shit."

And as he said that, I mentally cringed at the thought of Lena getting stuck in the downward spiral that is Brody.

Guys like him don't deserve attention from Lena. He's a typical, rebellious, teenage douchebag that parties all the time. The only thing he cares about is surfing because that's about the only thing he's got going for him. With a trash reputation and careless attitude, being a pro-surfer seems like the one job he could get. Yes, he's that good.

But not good enough for Lena.

A low growl erupted deep in my throat, causing me to take a hard gulp from my beer. Time to do some damage control.

"I'm going to find Jodie and Sadie," I mused. I crushed my empty can and held onto the remnants, the aluminum jabbing my skin. It barely made a difference – the rage consuming me blocked out all other feeling.

"Dude," Liam grabbed onto my shoulder for a second, preventing me from walking away. "Don't do anything stupid."

I scoffed, yanking my shoulder out of his grip. "Anything I do doesn't even come close to what she's doing right now," I snapped, my tone sharp and serious.

His eyes widened as he took a step back from me, nodding his head in return. The rest of my friends didn't say anything, so I turned around and stormed away from them.

Lena's P.O.V.

This plan didn't seem so bad, until I stepped inside Acacia's house. There were people everywhere.

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