Chelsea: The Meeting.

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As much as I wanted to sleep I couldn't. It was that kind of night. Every single noise seemed to be amplified. Above me I could hear someone walking around in their apartment. The television was on but muted and I swear I could still hear it humming across the room. Hundreds of feet below me cars were honking their horns. My eyes were wide open and focused only on my ceiling.

I hated feeling like this. I hated feeling so restless and completely taken off guard by Jessica's paid consultation. It upset me more that Anna was so smug about it.

My hand reached across my kind size bed towards the end table where my phone was resting.

I pondered calling her. Yes, it was well past midnight but I knew she was awake and most likely drunk.

"Can I call her this late?" I asked out loud to my empty bedroom knowing very well that none of the dressers or nightstands were going to reply.

'Fuck it.' I thought to myself as I scrolled down to her number and dialed it.

It rang three times before I heard a very groggy Jessica answered.

"Hello." Her rasp voice echoed in my ear.

Just hearing her voice caused me to hesitate.


"Hi." It was all I could get out.


I felt myself beginning to panic. I should have thought the call through. I should have prepared better than I had.

"Is everything okay?" Jessica asked. To my surprise she sounded completely sober.

"Yes, I uh." My brain couldn't focus. I knew what I wanted to accomplish by this call but now that it was actually happening I was at a complete loss of words. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" She answered sounding much more awake. "Are you okay?"

"No." I answered quickly. "Why did you pay for a visit through my office? Why didn't you just call me?" My voice rushed through the sentence as I sat up in my bed.

"Well to be honest I didn't want to bother you anymore. This way at least you're getting paid for your time."

'She didn't want to bother me or waste my time?' I thought to myself. 'What the fuck?'

"Jessica you don't have to pay to talk to me you could just call, it doesn't bother me."

"I can see that." She answered immediately.

"Can you? You paid nearly seven hundred dollars and all you had to do was call me."

"Well, I can see it now. Chelsea why didn't you just call me in the morning?" Jessica's voice held a bit of amusement. "It's kind of late."

"It is the morning." My sarcasm answered for me.

"Oh cut the technicalities out. You know what I mean." For the first time I heard her laugh. It was playful, jovial, and completely alluring. It took my breath away.

"I suppose I do." A small smile rested on my lips as I answered. Instinctively I looked around the room in case I needed to retract it but of course I was alone.

"I have coffee in case you're really having trouble sleeping." She offered shyly.

I thought about her offer for a few short seconds before I answered.

"I like coffee."

"Me too. My door is open Chelsea."

"Again, I thought we spoke about this?" I joked as I climbed out of my bed.

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