Jessica: About That Sunday.

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"So that's it?" Chelsea was finishing up her third cup of coffee and the morning sun illuminating my kitchen. "You think it will work?"

"Are you doubting me now?" I asked as I watched Chelsea's eyes. They always lingered on mine. Her lips curled to a perfect smile before she spoke which caused me to smile in return.

"Never, in fact I'm not entirely sure anything could stop you once you set your mind to something."

I felt my nerves flair when she spoke those words but, it was completely different feeling now then it was in the last few months. Previously, my nerves were damaged and I was so distraught from what happened to me that I hadn't noticed how close we had actually become.

She was beautiful. Her light brown hair was cascading down her face and the morning sun was dancing throughout her light blue eyes. It reminded me of a Caribbean summer and her beautiful blue eyes were the waves crashing down along the coast.

I knew she saw me admiring her but she never made a move to suggest this was more. Instead we just let looked at each other, over and over again. I wondered if it was the same for her. I wondered if she gets just as lost in my eyes. There were times when she looked at me and I was completely sure that she was attracted to me but still she never attempted to make a move.

"Thank you." I finally tore myself from her eyes and replied to her statement. For a brief second I noticed that Chelsea kept looking at me. From the corner of my eye I watched her head shake as if she was pushing away a thought of some sort. 

As quickly as the moment came it passed and Chelsea reverted back to normal.

"When you get the money make sure you put it into the loft account. Once you purchase it I can protect it as your primary residential property. I can make sure no one can seize it for any reason whatsoever."

"I understand. Thank you for this Chelsea. I mean it."

What happened next shook me to my very core. Chelsea stood from her stool behind my kitchen island and walked around to me. She hesitated momentarily as I watched her eyes study me. Finally she took a step closer. She leaned in and her arms snaked around me. She pulled me closer to her. My entire body tensed. It was completely involuntary. I wasn't afraid of her, that much I knew but the thought of someone touching me put me on edge. I expected her to lean in and kiss me but instead she just hugged me. My hands didn't know where to land and my fingers were clenched into fist along the sides of my body.

"When you see him just remember it's not what happens to you that makes you who you are. It's how you overcome it. That's what makes you special Jessica."

Her words nurtured me. My eyes began to water and before I could help myself my arms wrapped around her. The hug was intense. It was something I didn't know I needed until the very moment I embraced her back. We didn't kiss, we didn't even look at each other. Instead I just took in what she was willing to offer me, support. When we backed away from each other our gaze met again.

"Thank you."

"It's fine and I mean that. I'm sorry to cut this short but I have to head back home to change. When will you be leaving?" Chelsea quickly returned to her formal way of speaking.

"Later this afternoon . I was set to leave after our meeting."

"Okay. If you need anything just call. And remember to lock your door."

"I will."

"Goodbye Jessica." Chelsea started walking towards my apartment door.

"Goodbye Chelsea."

Without any other words she left my apartment.


The next few hours consisted of me packing everything. It's much warmer in California and a lot of my clothes catered to the northeastern climate.

"I guess I'll be buying some new clothes."

With only one suitcase packed I took the elevator down from my apartment. Ian was waiting with a car and the driver promptly took my luggage and placed it in the trunk.

"Are you ready?" Ian asked not knowing it was an extremely loaded question.

"More than ever."

We drove to the airport and while we rode Ian and I ran through a few pages of my script.  Once we made it to the plane I began to dig deeper into my role.

I was playing Princess Isabella. I was taken from my home at birth by a ruthless king and raised as a servant beneath him. Throughout the story I would discover my heritage and build relations to escape the man that imprisoned me.

"How very ironic."

"What's that?" Ian questioned me.

"Nothing, it seems a lot like Game of Thrones that's all."

"It's not. It's an Oscar worthy movie." Ian corrected me. "With some hints of Game of Thrones." We both laughed a bit as the plane gently flew to our destination. Some time passed before Ian spoke again.

"Jessica can I ask you something." Ian placed his phone in his pocket. I could see concern on his face and I began to panic.

"Don't do that just ask the question."

"It's about that Sunday. The one of the premier and the after party."

My heart started to beat rapidly as I waited for him to continue.

"You vanished after I saw you with Ryan. Did he hurt you? Is that why you were so reluctant to do this movie?"

"No, Ryan never hurt me Ian."

"I just want to make sure that you're safe. Ryan is in this movie and I do not want you to be uncomfortable."

"Ryan isn't the reason."

"Okay." Ian said flatly. "Just talk to me if you need anything that's why I'm your agent. I'm here for you."

"I know that. Thank you Ian."

The rest of the flight we sat in silence and I found myself thinking about Chelsea. I thought about our hug and how much it hurt to be touched by her. After I accepted the embrace it felt amazing. Yet, my initial reaction was to push her away. It confused me in more ways than one.

My mind quickly grew tired and I felt myself falling asleep. The humming of the engine was soothing and before I knew it I fell asleep with my head resting on the window of the plane.

The plane jolted as it landed and quickly woke me from my slumber.

"We're here Jess." Ian smiled at me. "I hope you're ready."

The very thought of seeing him still made me anxious but Chelsea's words lingered in my mind. I can do this.

"I couldn't be more ready Ian."

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