Chelsea: Vacation.

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A driver dropped me in front of an elegant flat. Ryan lived an extremely lavish life and this apparent was no exception. Gray bricks towered up the building. On the ground, hedges were being trimmed with laser accuracy to achieve beautiful symmetry across the entrance way. The doorman took my luggage from me when my driver opened the trunk and I followed him to the front door.

Ryan had offered me the third bedroom of the flat he was renting. He and Jessica were staying there together for the duration of their filming.

"You're here to see Mr. Tate right ma'am?" The doorman asked as he pressed the elevator button.

I nodded as I stepped into the elevator. My hands reached down and grabbed the handle off my luggage from him. "I'll take it from here, thank you."

With a nod the man stepped back and out of the elevator.

The door closed promptly and the elevator lifted towards Ryan's floor. I felt my heart start to pick up speed. It was beating rapidly in my chest and I found myself oddly aware of it. My eyes roamed down to the grip I had on my luggage. My fingers were fidgeting against the black handle and every time my hand moved away from it I could see moisture reflecting off of the plastic.

"Jesus, get a grip Chelsea." I spoke out loud knowing I was completely alone on that ride up to Ryan's apartment.

It's been seven years. Seven extremely long years since I had been on a vacation. My parents were still very much alive then and I was still in high school at the time. Ironically enough, it was to Los Angeles to visit Ryan as well.

Ryan had become extremely suspicious of my feelings for Jessica over the last few weeks. He knew it was utterly out of character for me to visit him. He also knew that I had never taken time off of work before. As much as he wanted to ask me more questions he played it cool; not wanting me to back out of the trip at the last minute.

The truth was, Ryan knew I was actually visiting to see Jessica. Regardless of that he seemed genuinely excited to see me and have me stay with him. The very thought of that of made my stomach turn in guilt. I was essentially using him to visit Jessica. It wasn't right.

Ryan is my family, the only family I had left. My work should not have competed with the people I care about but, I let it. I let my work consume me and Ryan was paying the price. As a brother, he always made an effort and he deserved so much more from me. I needed to make a better effort, for him and for myself.

The elevator chimed and cut my thoughts short. As it arrived on the floor, the doors opened and my eyes were greeted with wonder.

"Chelsea?" Jessica's eyes meet mine for the first time in months.

My heart fluttered with excitement. My eyes couldn't believe the sight that was in front of me. She looked amazing. Her eyes held no fear. Resting on her beautiful face was a heartwarming smile that seemed to light up the entire hallway. Her hair was cascading down to her shoulders in wavy perfection. She was perfect at that moment.

"Hello Jessica." I tried to respond smoothly but it was clear that I was captured by her presence.

"Hello Chelsea."

Jessica's eyes lingered on mine. Her beautiful green eyes traveled down my body slowly before returning back to my eyes. Her lips formed into a crooked smile.

I couldn't speak. I just stood there in the elevator staring at her like some love struck teenager but, it was the same for her. Jessica's eyes seemed to be filled with wonder as we stood there in complete silence. A few more moments pasted as we stood in amazement of one another's presence.

The elevator door began to close. The suddenness caused us both to jump back a bit before we broke into laughter. Jessica stepped forward into the elevator allowing the doors to close behind us. Her arms wrapped around me. Her head rested on my shoulder as we stood in that elevator hugging.

"We could have hugged in your apartment Jessica." I joked has I held her in return. My lips lingered by her ear as I spoke. I couldn't help but want this hug to be more.

Jessica's lips brushed against my neck momentarily. She didn't let them linger. Instead, I felt her smiling against me.

"I know."

Slowly, Jessica's hands slid along my back to my waist. She slowly moved her head back away from my neck. Her eyes met mine once more. They traveled to my lips as her thumbs rubbed the sides of my waistline. My hands traced up and down her arms as I took in the beauty of the moment. We had never been this close before but at that moment, after those months apart, it felt so right.

Jessica leaned in closer. A single stand of hair could not have fix between us. Her lips graced against mine slightly and I could feel her smiling against me.

Every interaction between us had let to this moment. I wanted her lips on mine. I wanted to feel her smile against my lips as I kissed her and more than anything, I wanted to get to know this Jessica. The one who was living without the pain of her past.

My eyes met hers once more. My hand traced up her arm and land on her cheek as my lips hovered against hers.

"Jessica." I whispered against those beautiful lips.

Jessica's grip on my waist tightened. My body was exploding with excitement and anticipation. My heart pounded in my chest and at the very moment I decided to close the gap completely the elevator doors opened.

Jessica jumped away from me. As someone stepped on to the elevator with us.

"Are you two going down?" The man asked. His eyes darted from Jessica to myself as he waited for an answer.

"We're on our way up." Jessica hit the button that led to our floor.

The gentleman stepped back out of the elevator with a confused expression plastered on his face. I watched him continue to stare as the doors closed.

"I guess I should have locked the door." Jessica spoke when the doors closed.

"You're finally learning." I retorted as I stepped towards her.

The bell for the elevator rang again. The doors opened and Jessica stepped out of the elevator smoothly.

"Come on, I'll show you around the apartment. Ryan is really excited that you're here."

"I know. He's been calling nonstop."

"He loves you Chelsea." Jessica stopped walking and turned to me. Our eyes met once more.

"And what about you?" I asked her quietly, my words came out just above a whisper.

Jessica's mouth opened slightly as if she was going to answer.

"Are you excited that I'm here as well?" I added smoothly after a moment.

Jessica smiled and shook her head. "Of course. Come on. I'll show you around."

I watched as Jessica held out her hand for me to take. There was zero hesitation. My free hand reached up and captured hers.

I would let her lead me anywhere. So I followed her.



Thanks for the reads and votes. Still editing. The next chapter is a long one so stay tuned!

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