Chelsea: Karma.

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Still editing this one.

Driving anywhere in LA is a nightmare. There are cars everywhere. Some of which cost more than my flat in New York. Everyone one here moved so slowly. They didn't seem to mind the over population or the fact that driving two miles literally takes over an hour. Coming from fast paced New York to this was slowly driving me insane.

"Calm down Chelsea, were nearly there." Jessica offered me a slight smile from across the limo. She must of seen the frustration plastered across my face.

"I don't know how you do this."

"That's why I go home after every movie. I hate it here, and I hate avocados. That put it on everything Chelsea, literally everything."

"What's with you and avocados?" Ian, Jessica's agent, chimed in to our conversation.

Jessica let out a small laugh and I watched her eyes meet mine.

It may have been the light shining through the window. Maybe the LA air was just getting to me but Jessica looked stunning. Her hair draped down her shoulders in perfect curls. Light danced off her eyes from the LA sunset. I couldn't bring myself to look away.

Jessica's voice shook me out of my trance like state. "We're here Chelsea."

Ian stepped out of the Limo first and I scooted in my seat to follow him. Right as I was about to stand Jessica grabbed my arm gently. Our eyes met once more as she reached across me and began to shut the limo door.

"Give us a second Ian." She called out to her manager who just answered with a nod.

"It's the same for me." Jessica spoke as she sat beside me. "When I look at you I feel safe and happy. When I look at you I remember who I am and who I want to be. You're beautiful Chelsea. I just wanted to say that before we go in there and we have to see him."

"I should be the one that gives you the pep talk Jess." My hand reached up towards her chin. Jessica leaned her head against my hand.

"You always do. When I start to break you're the one I call Chelsea and I love that." Jessica closed the distance between us. Her lips crashed on to mind and sent my head spinning.  The kiss was passionate and sensual. Every emotion poured out of us and manifested itself into that one extraordinary kiss.

"Are you ready?" I asked as our lips parted.

"Absolutely." Jessica's lips curled into a smile against mine.

We walked through different sets and Jessica pointed out celebrities and and famous set locations. As we walked people eyed us. They knew Jessica but I was foreign. It wasn't clear if they were trying to figure out who I was to her of if I was just starting out in the industry.

Jessica must of noticed their glances as well. Her hand graced mind a few times before her fingers locked around mine.

"Don't mind the vultures Chels, they prey on the new people." Jessica gripped tighter my hand as she spoke.

"I'm not weak."

"I know, but I want them to know you're mine." Jessica winked as she opened the door to her studio.

The set was low lit. It was nothing like I expected. There weren't many sets or props. Most of the set was a green screen with green props in different shapes and sized. There were people everywhere. Many taking note while others. Scrabble around working on various projects.

"Jessica, you're needed in the meeting room." An Intern approached us timidly. "I was instructed to bring you there now." She insisted before nodding at me. "Alone."

"By who?" Jessica pushed the girl for information.

"The production team, Ryan and the others are already there."

Jessica turned her attention to me. "That's my dressing room, wait for me there?"

I nodded and headed off towards the door to her dresser room. Jessica and the intern walked off in a different direction.

Just as my hand reached the doorknob I heard a few people talking from around the corner.

"I can't believe he's dead." My eyes shot open as the words reached my ears.

"The guy found him on top of his wife and snapped. Could you blame him?" A guy whispered. "I would have done the same thing."

"Oh my god." I hurried into Jessica's dressing room and sat down at the nearest chair. My mind raced through the possibilities.

I was worried about Jessica and how she would handle the news. Would she be relieved? Maybe more angry?

All I could do was wait for her. All I could do was sit here worried about her well being. I thought about sending a text letting her know that I knew but my mind convinced me to wait. Wait there for her to tell me.

An hour passed before I stood and looked around the dressing room. Jessica had a lot of clothes scattered throughout the room. She had notes from assistant directors about some of her scenes. On the mirror of her vanity was a picture of herself. It was clear some one had taken it of her without her knowing. She was walking along the beach. There was a lighthouse behind her and waves had crashed against the rocks at just the right moment. She was smiling, happy, and relaxed. She looked so beautiful.

It seemed odd to hang a picture of herself up. She wasn't that kind of person. She wasn't vain or egotistic whatsoever. My hand reached up to the picture. It was wedged into the mirror at the corner where the glass met the wood of the vanity. The heat radiating off the lights made the paper hot and I dropped it immediately after I pulled it from its place. It landed face down. The back of the picture had hand written words.

Time and friendships heal all. One day I will be this person again. One day at a time.

A sudden knock at the door pulled my eyes away from the picture. In a panic in shocked it back into it place on the vanity.

"Hey we're leaving, Jessica is already at the limo." It opened the door and spoke. His eyes questioned me, silently asking if I heard the rumors.

"Is she okay?" I asked as I followed him out of the dressing room.

"I'm not sure, she didn't say much." He answered vaguely. "The world just got a little bit better." He added after a long pause.

"That's an understatement. As far as I'm concerned Richard Price can burn in Hell."

"Amen." Ian said as we approached the limo. "Amen to that."

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