Chapter 29

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It's been a bit over three weeks since I left Stockholm, and so far things between Billie and I have been really good. Well, as good as they can be when you're 5,000 miles apart. We talk on the phone constantly, and no matter what she has going on she never forgets to FaceTime me before bed.

I'm really grateful for that, because everything else in my life has been pretty hectic. I get worked to the bone at my internship and I hate pretty much all of my superiors, but I need the experience to boost my chances of getting into a top law school.

On top of the stress of my job, Audrey and I's roommate had a family emergency and had to move back home suddenly, so we need to find a new roommate ASAP or else we won't be able to afford next months rent.

Both of us are too busy to really interview new people right now, so it's getting worrying. One person has offered to take the room but it could be problematic because, well, it's Lauren.

I haven't even brought it up to Billie because I know she'd freak out and say absolutely not, but it's starting to look like our only option.

I just don't know how to mention it without her flipping out. She gets jealous so easily, and usually it's over nothing, but in this case I think it would actually be valid. After all, I'd be asking her if it's okay to live with a girl I hooked up with dozens of times while she's in a different continent.

Not an easy conversation to have, especially because I haven't even told Billie that Lauren and I became friends again.

I unlock the door to my apartment and sigh in relief when I step inside, feeling the stress of my day subside a bit when I smell dinner cooking.

"Auds, it smells amazing," I call out and walk down the hall to my room so I can change out of my work clothes and into some sweats.

I stop in my tracks when I pass the kitchen and see that it's not Audrey cooking, but Lauren. She looks over at me and smiles.

"Hey, lawyer lady. How was work?" she asks and I groan.

"Absolute shit," I reply and shake my head. "Why are you here? No offense, I'm not mad about it."

"Audrey invited me over. She's in her room on a call," she answers and I nod slightly.

"Well it smells really good, I'm just gonna go change," I say then keep walking to my room.

I put my bag down then change into sweats and one of Billie's shirts that I stole, instantly feeling better. I let my hair down and replace my contacts with glasses then sit on my bed and read through the messages Billie sent me throughout the day again, which makes me smile.

I was in a meeting around the time she finished her show, so we couldn't FaceTime today, but she texted me every little detail about her night so I don't miss any updates.

Eventually I wander back into the kitchen and find Audrey there, sitting on the counter.

"Hey, you," she says with a smile and I stand between her legs as I lean back on the counter. "Enjoying your last few days as a teenager?"

Oh right, my birthday is in a few days. I keep forgetting because I've been so focused on work and the roommate disaster. I've also never been that big on birthdays. I prefer doing something low key. My family and I had a tradition of going to see a movie then getting In N Out. We couldn't afford anything more extravagant but I'm not an extravagant person so I never minded.

I don't think I'm going to do anything this year. My family is a few hundred miles away, my girlfriend is a few thousand, and I'm too busy to really plan anything with the friends that I do have nearby.

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