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Ashley layed her head against the window gently as the car rumbled on, coming to an abrupt stop she took her chance to look at the house they would be staying at, a mansion, practically a castle. Ashley opened the door of the car, carefully stepping out and waiting for her sister whom later appeared with her wheel chair, letting Ashley climb in before roughly being pushed towards the building. *Ashley POV*
A sign on the door that say "NAnnY nEEdEd!" written badly in something red, I look up at my sister, I knew she was desperate for money though she wasn't poor just greedy, but this seemed shady and obviously something dangerous, I couldn't believe she would involve me considering how weak I was. I hate her, Avangeline, she is 12 years older than me meaning she is 34 and has taken care of me since our abusive parents passed 10 years ago and since then she has also been abusing me, she took care of me a little before they died but now she hurts me, if I get on her nerves she'll hit me till I get a fracture or sprain, though I've always been careful enough to never break anything, she'll abandon me upstairs without my crutches, I can walk but I never really have, not much, I'm too scared.

When we enter the building I find a note badly written, a splash of... Blood? The note reads:
"Please please take care of brahms, DO NOT break the rules, do not leave, contact this number and we will set you up with payment and a grocery boy every week. PLEASE STAY otherwise there will be consequences."
"That didn't sound threatening at all, who's brahms then?" I look around and see something small and badly written at the bottom of the page.
"Brahms is the doll, he is hurt, look after him please." I could tell instantly that the handwriting was different meaning someone else wrote it. I grab my crutches and wander the house, eventually finding what I think is the living room, or one of many anyway, inside is a smashed mirror, glued back together stunningly, whoever did this must be a professional, I hear a noise behind me and jump, turning to see a doll that wasn't there before, a little boy made of porcelain, it's face smashed but put back together like the mirror, black sleek hair styled to the side, a fancy little suit and tie on.
"You must be brahms." I smile at the doll, it looked just like the portrait of a family I saw on the landing, I pick it up, struggling to hold it properly and walk.
"You found the stupid thing then? Where was it?" Angy, my nick name for Avangeline, walked up to me with a snotty look on her face.
"In the living room." I reply quietly, she pulls out her phone.
"I messaged the number on that note, and they are sending weekly payments and boy are we getting paid, that's dumb money just to look after a stupid doll but I won't complain." I look at the texts, one catching my eye in particular.
"Be good to him and he'll be good to you. I'm so sorry." Clearly Angy didn't care, anything for a bit of cash.
"Alright let's get you a room." She fake smiles at me, putting on an overly loving voice, great, what is she up to. She helps me up the stairs and finds me a room, great, she places me in this little kid room, toys and a single, but still larger than my one at home, bed. She takes my crutches and walks away with them, leaving me sat on the bed before going down the side and slamming the front door.
"This must be your room then? Guess we are bunking. I have to do some stretches, like yoga, because I can't walk or exercise and I don't wanna get more fat than I already am, so this is all I can really do to stop that." I tell the doll, awkwardly standing up from the bed and walking over to the free space of the room, getting into position for the stretches I feel a pair of eyes on me, turning I see the doll watching me, there's no way it's the little cracked doll. Once I was done I carefully move back to the bed and sitting back down by Brahms.
"You have alot of toys Brahms? You like to play? I didn't really get to play alot as a child because of my brittle bone syndrome." You tell the doll, picking up a teddy laying on the shelf, "Gosh I'm hungry, I can barely walk across the room without support, how am I going to get downstairs? I guess I'll have to wait for Angy to get home. I can't believe I'm even talking to you, my first ever friend and it's a doll." I lay down, clutching the doll to my chest, pulling the covers over both of us and kissing the teddy to his face. Suddenly I remember one of the rules, goodnight kiss, I lean over to his cracked face, pressing a kiss to his cheek." Goodnight Brahms."

Though no one could see it, Brahms smiled for the first time in a long time.

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