I Guess I'm not Done

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Dante pov

After getting home after the time out with everyone. Although, Ma was upset no one wanted to go horseback riding. I grabbed me some clothes to go take a shower.

Bringing my phone with me so I can call Rayne. So she don't flip out on me.

Scrolling through my contacts I find her name.


Ring Ring Ring.  Waiting for her to pick up the phone. I put it on speaker, turning on the hot water.

"We're sorry the person your trying to reach, can not come to the phone right now., please a message after the-"

This girl over here threatening me to call her. And she don't even pick up.

Sucking my teeth. I call her one my time. Just in case she not by her phone. Straight to voicemail again.

Feeling the hotness of the shower in the bathroom. I sit on down to send a quick text. Just to let her know I made it safe home.

Dante- I tried calling. I want you to know I made it home safe. No need to worry.

Making sure my ringer on, just in case she calls I hop in the shower. Getting out I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist.

Walking into my bedroom. I get change in to to some shorts. Turning off the light switch. Which was dumb of me, seeing as my room is pitch black.

Trying to navigate through my room. I made it to my bed. Picking up my remote I turn the tv on and get comfortable.

Turning to tv show Power, I don't care what nobody says this a good show. Checking my phone to see if my baby text.

I had no message from her. Not wanting to go to sleep without hearing her voice.

I Face Time her, after calling about 10 times. She finally picked up.

"What do you want?" She said. With sleepiness in her tone.

Looking at her while she turns on her lamp. Lifting her phone to fix her bonnet.

"Hey ma, what you doing?" Realizing that I just woken her. "Oh nothing, just sleeping no big deal." Waving her hand with an attitude.

"Stop with that attitude ma, you doing to much. Now talk to me so we can both can sleep." Laughing at her facial expression. Knowing she mad that I woke her up, just for her to go back to sleep talking to me.


Waking up the next morning, still a little tired from staying up all night talking to ma. I roll out the bed throwing the covers off of me. 

 Sitting up, I put my head in my hands. Before stretching, as I head to the bathroom to do my business.

Walking out to hear my phone ringing, thinking it's Rayne calling. "Ayo, D." Pulling the phone from my ear to check the caller Id, to see it's one of my boys, Ray.

"What's up? Everything good?" I question. Grabbing a shirt before putting on. Deciding to head to the kitchen to make something to eat. 

" Man, we fucked up!" Hearing his voice crack. Making me stop in my tracks, confused on what's happening.

"Ray, what the fuck is wrong? Talk to me." Making me realize this had to do with what we did. 

"Someone was left alive, they escaped. We didn't get em all, thug." Making me walk over to the couch before sitting down. Realizing what this means, if he calling me right now like this. 

It means one of two things someone done snitched us out or whoever the fucked we didn't killed went back to whoever they reported to.

When I told Rayne I killed the guy, I wasn't lying. But, I did more than that.

My boys and I found him and his people. Turns out he was running a sex trafficking ring. We been watching him, since I first found him. 3 days after the whole Rayne situation took place. 

Honestly, all I had cared about was killing him soon as I seen him. But, my boys had made me think.

 What would he have done, if he was able to get Rayne? 

So, we made a plan to watch him, from the time he went home. To where he went, who he hung out, even as far as witnessing him drugging and kidnapping other woman. 

We had to see where he was taking them. Most importantly who the fuck started this and who was in charge?

After a while, I couldn't watch it anymore, shit was pissing me off. Watching as he dragged woman back to this 3-story  house, in the  middle of nowhere . Clearly able to tell he was drugging them. 

Watching as groups of man would come in and out with women hanging off their arms. That's when I had reached my breaking point,  I decided enough was enough. 

The sight of everything made me sick to my stomach. Different woman high off their ass, scattered in different parts of the house. As these old ass man were clinging to them, assaulting them.

Finally finding the bastard I was looking for, he was on top of this girl who looked no older than 16. The thought of that being someone missing daughter, caused me to see red. 

All I remember was my boys yelling at me that they had gotten all the females out. As I reminded them every male they didn't shoot and kill in there, were to be locked inside as they burn. 

As I handcuffed the guy up the same way, he had that little girl. 

Grabbing the knife I had on me as I cut and stabbed him repeatedly. But, making sure he wasn't going to die. Hearing his screams and pleads as I ignored him. Just liked he ignore those women who begged him to let them go. 

Grabbing the lighter fluid as I poured it over him, watching as he cried out, as it seeped into his skin. Going in his eyes as blood started pouring out of him. 

As I sat there, feeling not one ounce of regret or shame for what I was doing to him. Repeating to him he should be ashamed of himself. 

As he yelled that I was going to hell, as if he wasn't going there today. 

Finally tired of hearing him breathing, I left through the window, before calling them and telling them to light it up. After throwing a blow torch through it.

Watching as the 3 bedroom house rise up in flames. As I hear his screams, knowing he was slowly burning alive. 

Before hearing tires screech "Yo Dante, the fuck are you doing come on?!" I could hear them yelling.

Before dragging me in the car as I sat there watching the flames in the rear view mirror.

"Well, I guess we got some more work to do."


A/N; Did this make anyone think of Dante differently? 

Did he take it overboard ?

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